deletedover 8 years

to be rated 1-100 of how much I like you as a person

over 8 years
over 8 years
over 8 years
over 8 years
Don't forget you're republican
over 8 years
Destroy me
deletedover 8 years

yoyo200900 says

oh yes, this is just what i wanted

ur like a 60
deletedover 8 years

Japter says


ur like an 80
over 8 years
oh yes, this is just what i wanted
over 8 years

mist says

haha ark i beat u.

deletedover 8 years
haha ark i beat u.
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
thanks buddy
deletedover 8 years

dazeldafreak says

ChilledOut says

dazeldafreak says

ChilledOut says

dazeldafreak says

Is this a roast rutab thread? lol

ur like a 40 because I barely know u

Wow I was in mod chat with you for a few weeks and I argued with you in the forums for a good few weeks. Honestly I'm offended and giving you a 5. lol

I bet you have a solid number for jasper as well. lol

who r u


oh OK ur like an 86
over 8 years
I concede to sweetnkind. Cheers lad.
deletedover 8 years
My rating is lower than what I wanted, this means WAR
deletedover 8 years

roadman says

Why not....

ur like an 89
over 8 years

ChilledOut says

dazeldafreak says

ChilledOut says

dazeldafreak says

Is this a roast rutab thread? lol

ur like a 40 because I barely know u

Wow I was in mod chat with you for a few weeks and I argued with you in the forums for a good few weeks. Honestly I'm offended and giving you a 5. lol

I bet you have a solid number for jasper as well. lol

who r u

deletedover 8 years

dazeldafreak says

ChilledOut says

dazeldafreak says

Is this a roast rutab thread? lol

ur like a 40 because I barely know u

Wow I was in mod chat with you for a few weeks and I argued with you in the forums for a good few weeks. Honestly I'm offended and giving you a 5. lol

I bet you have a solid number for jasper as well. lol

who r u
deletedover 8 years

sweetnkind says

im 100

actually ur like a 93
over 8 years
Why not....
over 8 years

ChilledOut says

dazeldafreak says

Is this a roast rutab thread? lol

ur like a 40 because I barely know u

Wow I was in mod chat with you for a few weeks and I argued with you in the forums for a good few weeks. Honestly I'm offended and giving you a 5. lol

I bet you have a solid number for jasper as well. lol
deletedover 8 years

thecolonel says

ChilledOut says

thecolonel says

ChilledOut says

thecolonel says

Could you spare some attention, stupid kid?

ur like a 50

Could I get a reroll?

reroll gave you 53

Going to have to try again

sorry I ran out of dice
deletedover 8 years
im 100
deletedover 8 years

debaser says

gimme a number and then lets talk on skype

basil, yes?

Ur like a 95

also I'm on mobile so when I get home
over 8 years

ChilledOut says

thecolonel says

ChilledOut says

thecolonel says

Could you spare some attention, stupid kid?

ur like a 50

Could I get a reroll?

reroll gave you 53

Going to have to try again