I find it highly amusing that you could not even come up with any clever retorts. I guess your IQ pales in comparison to my 150. You say that hardly anyone replies to me when you have been consistently replying to me, lmfao. Not to mention, I've been called out by the best strategist in the survivor lobby as a new player with potential, others even commented how god-like I was.
https://epicmafia.com/topic/74393Also, one more thing, I'm not the one redirecting anything. You said this site was childish, not me, and when I asked you why you continue to log on, you couldn't even come back with an intelligent answer, sad.
To be honest, I thought you were more smarter going into this exchange, but I guess not. With the response you just gave me, I realized your not intellectually stimulating enough for me, aka I'm bored with you. Cya<3