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I Am So Sorry

about 8 years

So, three and a half ish years ago, I caused what many of you may only remember as a plague. I introduced the danganronpa community to epicmafia and well, you know what happened from there. Though I had no idea what would happen from there...I still felt like I should break my silence after all these years. Apologies for all the troubles, mates. Know it was a rough time for a while.

about 8 years
Remove tumblr.
deletedabout 8 years
why didn't you play on town of salem instead?
deletedabout 8 years
i thought i quit em until you brought me back
about 8 years
half of the people nowadays are here thanks to the change to the site your people did.

about 8 years
if you have any respect for yourself left, self-delete.
about 8 years
I had no idea it would cause such chaos and server problems
about 8 years
oh, you're the one that brought tumblr here
about 8 years
how dare u....
deletedabout 8 years