Even experienced players, noobs, and average players fall into this mentality trap of generalization. Just because it was true the past 7 times, it does not mean that it will be true the 8th time. There are so many random variables that you can't take generalization as a criteria to determine who is inno or guilty. Individuals don't play like YOU or like someone wrote in a forum. They have their self-interest that might differentiate from your assumptions or theories.
Not all Lurkers/Quiet players are Mafias. Yes they don't give any tell but no tell does not mean he or she is a mafia. We get into this mindset that the least productive player or least contributing player is a mafia ALL the time. Innocent players can be lurkers and quiet players.
A late cop report does not mean that the cop is guilty. Just because a cop outs a report late does not mean that cop is a mafia.
Not all town tellers or the most productive players are inno. Mafias can town tell and be leading the village yet we assume that the town teller or the most productive "town" player is innocent and has earned your trust.