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Bojack Horseman

almost 8 years

the best show on television just got the best season of 2016

almost 8 years
everyone i talk to says season 2's ending scene was better, but i don't know, I really like season 3's. i don't even know if they're comparable, i get two really different vibes from them
almost 8 years


i thought the season 2 ending was really powerful but i think the season 3 ending scene is really underrated. to me it was about bojack finally realizing who he is, seeing the horses running and how he always runs away from his problems and that that is just his nature.

it fit in perfectly with the speech secretariat gave him and the ending of season 2.
almost 8 years

Sims says

i thought this season was on par with the last 2, if not better. there was much more buildup and character development in the early episodes, which are usually just comedy episodes

I personally feel that season 2 is the best season without any doubts. But seasons 3's endings (like when bojack said no to the pink cat/realized he could talk the whole time) are on point.
deletedalmost 8 years

Season 2 Ep. 11 makes me feel bad

Bojack is trying to better his life by making good decisions, but it keeps getting spit back in his face

that's not typical of TV but of real life

life doesnt owe you anything

deletedalmost 8 years
Favorite part so far is Bojack burning $1 million to charity to spite David Radclife
almost 8 years
70% of the season falls flat and they spent a really long time making up elaborate backstories for things that supposedly happened out of the blue tht barely mattered in the grand scheme of the entire season. I actually can't think of much of interest that we learned about the main cast that we didnt already know
almost 8 years
i thought this season was on par with the last 2, if not better. there was much more buildup and character development in the early episodes, which are usually just comedy episodes
almost 8 years
the Underwater episode wasn't even good, the no talking thing could be interesting but it's just a dum azz finding nemo-esque gimmick for the whole episode
almost 8 years
This season was so weak compared to the other 2 I dunno what yall are so in awe of
almost 8 years
man... what an ending
almost 8 years
my favorite part was the positive nihilism they threw in
almost 8 years

Sims says

this show has a streak of having great episode 11s and season 3's just blew the other two out of the water

finally got there and yes, can confirm
almost 8 years
the only way to get my approval is to enjoy Bojack Horseman as much as i do
deletedalmost 8 years
The sad truth is that I don't even like Bojack Horseman.... I just want validation that Sims likes me...
almost 8 years
the underwater episode is going to win some kind of award. the show is getting popular enough now that award shows are finally going to recognize it
deletedalmost 8 years
The underwater episode was incredible
almost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
Ya me of all people made it to season 2
deletedalmost 8 years
Season 2 and started last night
deletedalmost 8 years
I watched 7 episodes today lmfao
deletedalmost 8 years
Ummmmmm just finished watching the show, who tf was that horse who tried to call BoJack?
almost 8 years
i think one day i am going to write an Analysis of BoJack Horseman and submit it to the New Yorker
almost 8 years

ChilledOut says

Do you like Bojack Horseman so much, Sims, because you can relate to him on a personal level?

probably, but i mostly like how good the writing is and how the show tackles a lot of issues other shows won't touch

i think everyone can relate to some aspects of bojack but i don't think he was written to be very relateable. i read an interview with the creator and he said something along the lines of "he doesn't go right up to the line and not cross it, he crosses, and goes back, and then he crosses back again."

i thought that was really cool
deletedalmost 8 years
No. Sims was obviously a drugged up horse dude who is stuck in the old days when he was a family TV star
almost 8 years
No, he just loves horses.