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women and children

almost 8 years

hey you all love these threads yeah well riddle me this: what's with this "women and children" nonsense? about 70 civilians died in a syrian airstrike, but what's really tragic is that there are women and children victims. why don't the men matter? because they're terrorists? they were civilians too you sexist

women and children
can we all agree children suck regardless
not sexist (wrong answer)
grossly sexist
almost 8 years

bdog1321 says

are you still angry about something foxie really you can dm me and we will talk

bdog when are you going to stop projecting your frustration onto other people and just stop posting
almost 8 years

Chaika says

Not today, Terry.

cupofljoe says

greetings epicmafia community,

i think we need a good discussion...

this one guy spams a lot of obvious bait threads, what should we do?

a) acknowledge the fact one guy spams a lot of obvious bait threads

b) accuse every thread by anyone else with an actual topic of being bait like lobotomized sheep genetically spliced with a broken record
almost 8 years
are you still angry about something foxie really you can dm me and we will talk
almost 8 years

Sishen says

children is a gender now


Mac says


Floor says

Sishen level humor.

out of every loop

poser says

i can't actually recall the last time a child or woman was a terrorist, i mean im sure it happens, but its mostly a glossover of people saying they're sad that innocent lives were lost. not like people are tryna say men don't matter (if they are, screw yourself) but at the same time it's easier to just assume it's preventing more terrorist attacks. it's not pretty, nor is it fun, i wish it didnt exist but that's how people have to think bcuz hunting down terrorists specifically is already being done and they obv are taking other measures

"all of these people were innocent, but this subgroup deserves all of your sympathy"
deletedalmost 8 years
(that thinking emoji)
almost 8 years
i can't actually recall the last time a child or woman was a terrorist, i mean im sure it happens, but its mostly a glossover of people saying they're sad that innocent lives were lost. not like people are tryna say men don't matter (if they are, screw yourself) but at the same time it's easier to just assume it's preventing more terrorist attacks. it's not pretty, nor is it fun, i wish it didnt exist but that's how people have to think bcuz hunting down terrorists specifically is already being done and they obv are taking other measures
almost 8 years
greetings epicmafia community,

i think we need a good discussion...
almost 8 years
men are better drivers
almost 8 years

Floor says

Sishen level humor.

deletedalmost 8 years
Look, if you are actually wanting an explanation here it is.

when the media use the example of women and children make it seem worse in our eyes it is because in today's society we see women and children as vulnerable groups. Men are also involved but the media just use it in this way so more people watch or buy whatever it is, It is kinda sexist but that is just the way it is TBH.
almost 8 years
Sishen level humor.
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years
children is a gender now
deletedalmost 8 years
*turns fedora around in a serious manner* I'd give my life for a m'lady or a m'child's life any day. *puts trench coat on and walks away into the darkness*
almost 8 years
no **** you this is legitimately disgusting and nobody even thinks about what theyre saying
almost 8 years
Not today, Terry.