Ummm aren't there differences between leading questions and loaded questions? Loaded questions are usually polar questions, i.e. those that require yes/no answers whereas leading questions can be of any format.
Also both questions have loaded information in them but only one type, the leading question, is implying something. Thus I'd conclude that leading questions are a type of loaded questions.
i think leading questions are a good opportunity to provide a leading answer
like if someone asks "did you stop beating your wife," i think the least defensive response (because calling it out does still sound defensive) is to respond in turn "we're waiting for you to stop punching babies"
deletedover 8 years
Did you stop beating your wife?
there's not really a good way to answer a loaded question that isn't pointing out it's a loaded question or laughing it off, anything else makes you seem on the defensive
greetings epicmafia community,