greetings epicmafia community,
i think we need a good discussion on a meetterry presidency
I think I would be a great president. below is my platform
Foreign Policy
- Nuke Raqqa, Syria and then use a scorched earth policy to destroy ISIS.
NEW: Immediate ban on any affirmative action in higher education. It is racism.
Federal education loans will no longer have interest.
Create some sort of system in place where the risk of a college degree is taken into account of education loans. If you are going to study something bizarre, extremely non-lucrative, or something that does not benefit your community, then you should have a more difficult access to education loans. eg. women studies, black diaspora studies, gender studies, etc. Since general STEM fields will have good futures, loans/access to education will be easier.
Immediately mandate a system where federally funded colleges may no longer have a tribunal-style court for things involving Title IX (cases involving sexual assault). Such cases and criminal activity should be immediately turned over to the respective police station and be handled from there. Colleges are punishing students with little to no evidence. This must be stopped. The Department of Education should not have any power over things not involved with education.
Introduce legislation so that nonsensical majors or classes that lack any form of science may no longer receive funding from the federal government. That means the immediate destruction of women/gender studies department.
I will post more as the thread progresses.