deleted over 8 years
what is ur favourite book, and what is ur like philosophic, artistic, maybe even emotional view of dogs
i dont watch movies enough so my answer would have to be end of evangelion. it holds up yo genrewise like electronic/pop/indie and hip hop, but i usually listen to songs on soundcloud and they're more experimental and independent and yes
deleted over 8 years
Your best friend has been poisoned, and the one way to cure him is to suck him. Will you do it?
what kind of music do you like
deleted over 8 years
what is ur favourite movie
i believe in love you said no more opinions
deleted over 8 years
please give me an opinion of lilin, amime
deleted over 8 years
please answer my questions
adrenaline mime what do you think of the site's stability? how come you're still here? it's pretty stable, and i remember you saying you'd self delete once the site is stable.
deleted over 8 years
AdrenalineMime says STOP POSTING U FCKS Ask nicely
deleted over 8 years
keep posting
deleted over 8 years
You seem like one of the most chill and down to earth people on this site amime, and I don't even know you at all. You're great dude, keep on keepin' on
Kartwheel says What is the answer to solving the problem that jobs are being shipped overseas? kill anyone who outsources jobs
What is the answer to solving the problem that jobs are being shipped overseas?
deleted over 8 years
do u believe in love, adrenalinemime?
AdrenalineMime says uh, the ingame music? duh? Oh I have that muted.