veryniceboy says hello garyoak, fancy meeting u here I am with you always my child.
deleted about 8 years
hello garyoak, fancy meeting u here
sweats nervously, tough crowd
romantic love is the only kind that really matters
deleted about 8 years
go on
romantic love isn't the only form of love
deleted about 8 years
my little brother is real shy about questions about love too. but u can hear it in the music he listens to, it is a secret fire for him. i'd love if he'd ever answer any of the questions i ask him lol
deleted about 8 years
u seem like a pretty good person to ask about it to me
i'm not the best person to ask about love
deleted about 8 years
please elaborate on the love thing
fair says deleted13d 22h Hey Amime where is the f*cking money you owe me you slanty-eyed motherf*cker I remain unanswered and this is unsatisfying. what r u talking about
eris says Favorite programming language AM? python, or haskell if i can git gud at it
Loki says Do you believe in true love AM? Do you believe in soul mates? yes but no
Gary says If a wood chuck could in fact chuck wood then how much wood could this wood chuck in fact chuck wuck chood
If a wood chuck could in fact chuck wood then how much wood could this wood chuck in fact chuck
Do you believe in true love AM? Do you believe in soul mates?
Favorite programming language AM?
deleted13d 22h Hey Amime where is the f*cking money you owe me you slanty-eyed motherf*cker I remain unanswered and this is unsatisfying.
elise says just me you and sirius hot
Forrest says Dota lost its magic for me, thoughts? i havne't played in a while. i still like watching the competitive scene
deleted about 8 years
Dota lost its magic for me, thoughts?
this thread should be remade
PublicEnemy says When will you visit the UK? post-brexit