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complaint thread

almost 8 years

greetings epicmafia community,

I think we need a good complaint thread.

So, complain about anything here - about your life's woes, Blister, anything.

bebop is
almost 8 years
don't bring this back please
almost 8 years
in a league game right now. jungle was being rude and was trying to spite me by not ganking my lane

so i just int'd for the hehe xds
deletedalmost 8 years
blister doesn't satisfy me at night
almost 8 years
i'm sunburnt as and my gums bleed every time i brush&floss them
almost 8 years
I want to complain about all the narcissistic opinion threads in here.
almost 8 years
sankarsh still wont add me back on snapchat.
almost 8 years
My pizza isn't here yet.
almost 8 years

MeetTerry says

Reamix says

Every night for some reason my mom always turns the backyard light on and she knows I hate it on at night Bc I can't sleep if it's on since it shines through my window. She did it tonight, told her to turn it off. Then she went and turned it back on 20 minutes later.

what the hell that's terrible

why does she do this?

because he attention span is almost as bad as my own
almost 8 years
I think I fked up this Skype interview I just did. They wanted to know specific stories of a situation, which I never did.

rest in pepperoni.
deletedalmost 8 years
:0 i use a gimmick to try to make myself appear more personable when in reality i have no personality
deletedalmost 8 years
i have one friend irl
deletedalmost 8 years
I wanna be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To catch them is my real test,
To train them is my cause.

I will travel across the land,
Searching far and wide.
Each Pokemon to understand
The power that's inside

Pokemon, (gotta catch them all) its you and me
I know its my destiny
Pokemon, oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend

Pokemon, (gotta catch them all) a heart so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I'll teach you
(Po-ke-mon) Gotta catch 'em all

Every challenge along the way
With courage I will face
I will battle every day
To claim my rightful place

Come with me, the time is right
There's no better team
Arm in arm we'll win the fight
It's always been our dream

deletedalmost 8 years
Nights arent long enough.
almost 8 years
There's no wine at my house rn.
deletedalmost 8 years
And a cuck.
deletedalmost 8 years
MeetTerry is annoying.
almost 8 years

Reamix says

Every night for some reason my mom always turns the backyard light on and she knows I hate it on at night Bc I can't sleep if it's on since it shines through my window. She did it tonight, told her to turn it off. Then she went and turned it back on 20 minutes later.

what the hell that's terrible

why does she do this?
almost 8 years
Every night for some reason my mom always turns the backyard light on and she knows I hate it on at night Bc I can't sleep if it's on since it shines through my window. She did it tonight, told her to turn it off. Then she went and turned it back on 20 minutes later.
almost 8 years
I still haven't gotten my meme yet
almost 8 years
all u guys do is complain here
deletedalmost 8 years
I wish more people were like MeetTerry
almost 8 years
my parents shut off the wifi at night to make me sleep earlier when I just end up using my Android

thus, I am unable to play league

thus, Howie must boost me
almost 8 years
I wish Terry would stop making threads.
almost 8 years
I hate it when this idiot kid on sandbox chat asks to get boosted, like JEEZ
almost 8 years
I can't see my forehead