This is exactly what a catfish would want you to think
Reverse image search doesn't always work. The pictures a catfish could be using could be a family member or somebody small from facebook. Those don't pop up usually. Private accounts too.
Every catfish does these things. 1) Does not video chat you. 2) Makes excuses for why and always has plenty of them. 3) Makes you feel guilty for wanting to see their face on skype or meet in person. 4) Makes you feel crazy for thinking it's all lies. JUST BEWARE.
This is every epicmafia user that pretends to be a girl
Every catfish does these things. 1) Does not video chat you. 2) Makes excuses for why and always has plenty of them. 3) Makes you feel guilty for wanting to see their face on skype or meet in person. 4) Makes you feel crazy for thinking it's all lies. JUST BEWARE.
so im seeing this ep in which the are 2 guys in love with the same guy and one was with him for 7 years on and off and the other for 5 and his excuse for not skyping is that he had a bad phone/didnt know how to use skype