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The Great Mod Hunt - A Competition

deletedover 8 years

i've been thinking about doing this for a while.

starting now, you will have the opportunity to profit from murdering sandbox mods as well as the sandbox owner senselessly in-game. well, not entirely senselessly.

the targets

Bebop -

big poofy doof with hair only a mother could love. happens to owns sandbox. you must kill bebop 5 times in order to satisfy this portion of the victory goal.

Reamix -

hopeless child-hating banshee and renowned indoor fart artist. a sandbox mod. you must kill reamix 4 times in order to satisfy this portion of the victory goal.

Jimbei -

a furry. also a sandbox mod. you must kill jimbei 4 times in order to satisfy this portion of the victory goal.

Japter -

regularly has 50+ tabs open in chrome, all of which are dedicated to questionable, niche adult content. a sandbox mod. you must kill japter 4 times in order to satisfy this portion of the victory goal.

error -

pretentious twit. a sandbox mod. you must kill error 4 times in order to satisfy this portion of the victory goal.

provisos and competition rules

  1. in order for your kill to count, it must be consistent with your in-game win condition at the time. i.e. killing jimbei as vigilante when they are the trapper will not count towards your victory goal.
  2. if two people verifiably kill the same mod, they will both receive the kill credit for that game.
  3. every kill must be verifiable. in order for a kill to count, you must either post in this thread with a game link and screenshot or PM those materials to me. a screenshot of your recent game activity on your profile also helps but must be accompanied with the game link nonetheless.
  4. hostkilling is OK. war. war never changes.
  5. this competition has no time limit. it will end when someone has successfully satisfied the victory goals for all targets.
  6. lynches do NOT count and neither do any kills you may have as maid. exceptions: lyncher win, gallis pop, don OT.
  7. you will still get kill credit even if you are dead. however, suiciding from the game or vegging once you get a valid kill will negate that credit.
  8. have fun!

the prize

$40 value prize of your choosing. restrictions may apply (i don't want to deal with someone demanding an item from the bad dragon catalog). i haven't really thought this part through yet. i'll update the OP as we go along.


if any of you have any questions or suggestions for how we can get this to run more smoothly please post them or PM me! depending on how this pans out, we will do more events like this in the future. and don't cheat! we're checking the game numbers, know which one we started at, and which ones have already been logged. thank you all and good luck! :)

i will disqualify people as i see fit. suiciding repeatedly out of games where you're unable to satisfy the victory goals, being nasty or generally uncouth, ruining games, and trying to cheat are all behaviors that most certainly will not be tolerated.

if you are interested in participating

all you have to do is jump in and i'll add you to the player list as you submit proof of your killing spree.

deletedover 8 years
rigged. give me my steam gift card plz
over 8 years
+1 sadness for not being in the same timezone as the mods

deletedover 8 years
Well, that was fun congrats serg, thanks error for hosting!
over 8 years
:'D *twerks for all*
deletedover 8 years

thank you all for participating. hope this was a good experience for everyone involved and we will definitely do something similar again in the future.
over 8 years
Japter +4: killed them as maf
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years

n1'd reamix and shot error
over 8 years

Killed Reamix when he was Amnesiac and I was Vig
over 8 years
Reamix +4: Killed them as dept d2
deletedover 8 years
scores updated
over 8 years

Killed bebop as mafia n1
over 8 years
over 8 years
Japter + 1:
Killed him as Master Mind
over 8 years
Jimbei + 1:

Killed her as wolf
over 8 years
Jimbei + 1:
Killed them as Gator turned into cult
over 8 years

japter +1 for banassssssss
over 8 years
Japter +3 : Killed them as maf n1
over 8 years

Japter says

tfw no one's killing me

cause ur fukin always mafia! lol
over 8 years
Japter +2: Killed them as vigil n1, they were killer
deletedover 8 years

Japter n1 Jimbei n2 rip
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years

Japter says

tfw no one's killing me

You don't play enough ;-;
deletedover 8 years
tfw no one's killing me