This game was hosted June 1, 2016. It started with 15 players.
Day 1, the two tribe leaders, AgentWakko and Clockwise26 were decided by their fellow castaways. AgentWakko named his tribe "Mirawo" while Clockwise named his " Gang". The two leaders picked players for their tribe via schoolyard pick. After two suicides and one voteoff, the tribes were swapped. After three more people were sent packing, merge came along.
At the final 8, an auction occurred where 8 items were auctioned off that could help the castaways' games. Here's the items what each castaway got:
Advantage in the next immunity: TennisBallBFDI
Negate someones vote for the day: GiraffeStalker6996
See who someone voted for: AgentWakko
Recieve an extra jury vote: JaayCee
Tropical vacation (leave the game for two days): ROBOJosh
Cut the amount of votes you receive in half for the day: Clockwise26
Give someone a disadvantage in the next immunity challenge: Squares
Power to vote twice for the day: Karthikbk
With all the votes gone crazy, JaayCee was sent packing.
Squares and GiraffeStalker6996 made it to the final two, and the jurors felt that squares played a better social and strategic game. Squares won the game in a vote of 6-1.
The fully details of votes and placements can be found in this chart: