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Cheater Database

over 8 years

gold hearts or pre-gold heart implementation only

hi. this is a thread. it's hard to keep up with who's cheated so i'm making a list. i'll add a few names that come to mind but if you've cheated please post in this thread and i'll add you. you can also post the name of someone else who has cheated. i want to make this comprehensive so please don't hold anything back

current list: Satan, Slow, Gerry, abc, Calvin, Edark, Shamzy, Devante, Togepi, JimSpermWorm, leo, Blister, Zhuorb, sineadiio, prevail, Anthony, poser, Delicate, Jill, AlSharpton, Rednose, Weareking, DrJackShephard, Kerry, LaurieRose, RoughNightBro, Acintris, xJade, Antidote, caroline, CoryInDaHouse, battletechies, mtvesuvius, Kelly, WhiteWind, kassavetova, grandukeofowls, arlian, kawarimi, Rawrwarrior, Zwink, D3xTr0m3th0rph4n, Private, vedarshi, Wonderland, Betrayal, Arcbell, Heisenberg, lumice, expose, bluefish, ScubaSteve, b0oty, pranay7744, Mori, Nessamaria, happyowns, riotkiller, matt12, betmen, erica, kassa, BearGuru, cirno, Fruitoftheloom, arianna, charley, Slow, PetermhShini, JepoJ, Tigerawr, Misslongstockings, Madhatter48, Konata, Female, Shrub, Minecraftfangirlftw, BigBadBoy, Jono69, NeverMaf, Body/AdBlock, Warbird1500, Ookkies/Euniit group, ruse group, LaxBro69, Monkanej, LeeSin, GoldenPony, Ohaialex, Templar1990, Discordia, Terra, ling, futureblargg, Ethereal, RAWR, seanman, johnreid, anteup, Kradar, Kyledemort64, thEye, drysc, shivv, endorphins, rawrr, mau, fading, ordelman, inspector, TimTebow, data, noshirtman, SarahTwilight

future cheaters: totori, ThirdAug, Himiki, Gerry

over 8 years
I hear that vedarshi guy used to cheat, though
over 8 years
over 8 years
didnt tonkster cheat with oldschool rawr?
over 8 years
Wouldn't be surprised if vilden has cheated.
over 8 years
I want out before it's too late
over 8 years

Harrold says

Did Shini ever cheat? I imagine Connor has cheated, but no one knows about it because it still haunts him at night. Probably worth putting him on the list.

I can bet my account that connor never cheated.
over 8 years
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over 8 years
Did Shini ever cheat? I imagine Connor has cheated, but no one knows about it because it still haunts him at night. Probably worth putting him on the list.
deletedover 8 years
did ZachG12 cheat? and there were definitely more cheater mods.
over 8 years
wait add kassavetova grandukeofowls and arlian
deletedover 8 years

Vancyon says

Zhuorb says

he didn't role share, he gave shini messages to copy/paste into the game chat but shini was a complete chump who copy pasted the timestamp too and they got caught

Hahahahahaha I forgot about that!! And I was a mod then too how embarrassing. He roleshared plenty before that though.

I don't think that ended in an actual violation though, for pranay, correct me if I'm wrong? People have received harassment violations for insinuating he's a cheater.

your bff sonseray did
over 8 years
i think the player list was better tbqh
deletedover 8 years

Zhuorb says

he didn't role share, he gave shini messages to copy/paste into the game chat but shini was a complete chump who copy pasted the timestamp too and they got caught

Hahahahahaha I forgot about that!! And I was a mod then too how embarrassing. He roleshared plenty before that though.

I don't think that ended in an actual violation though, for pranay, correct me if I'm wrong? People have received harassment violations for insinuating he's a cheater.
over 8 years

Calvin says

gerry is honestly the best mafia player i've ever seen in the past two years

nah nah nah Im the best player right now
over 8 years
Put Howl on the list just for being recognised as the website pedo.
over 8 years
he didn't role share, he gave shini messages to copy/paste into the game chat but shini was a complete chump who copy pasted the timestamp too and they got caught
deletedover 8 years

Harrold says

I'm pretty sure Kelly cheated too? And there's that 1 chap who came clean in a complaints thread last week or whatever, WhiteWind I think.

yes she did
deletedover 8 years
gerry is honestly the best mafia player i've ever seen in the past two years
over 8 years
I'm pretty sure Kelly cheated too? And there's that 1 chap who came clean in a complaints thread last week or whatever, WhiteWind I think.
deletedover 8 years
No Zhuorb, it was removed by Lucid, so it wouldn't count. Unless he recently got another one?
over 8 years
Lots of joke posts coming from Calvin, I'm going to bet there'll be a third one.
deletedover 8 years
But let's just say..... someone from India was quite the role sharer back in the day.
over 8 years

Vancyon says

moon says

Gerry/mori or does that not count since lucid excused them

Well if it counts people Lucid excused, you can include Pranay, though it is harassment if i outright say he cheated since he never received an actual violation :- )

He did, lol