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Cheater Database

over 8 years

gold hearts or pre-gold heart implementation only

hi. this is a thread. it's hard to keep up with who's cheated so i'm making a list. i'll add a few names that come to mind but if you've cheated please post in this thread and i'll add you. you can also post the name of someone else who has cheated. i want to make this comprehensive so please don't hold anything back

current list: Satan, Slow, Gerry, abc, Calvin, Edark, Shamzy, Devante, Togepi, JimSpermWorm, leo, Blister, Zhuorb, sineadiio, prevail, Anthony, poser, Delicate, Jill, AlSharpton, Rednose, Weareking, DrJackShephard, Kerry, LaurieRose, RoughNightBro, Acintris, xJade, Antidote, caroline, CoryInDaHouse, battletechies, mtvesuvius, Kelly, WhiteWind, kassavetova, grandukeofowls, arlian, kawarimi, Rawrwarrior, Zwink, D3xTr0m3th0rph4n, Private, vedarshi, Wonderland, Betrayal, Arcbell, Heisenberg, lumice, expose, bluefish, ScubaSteve, b0oty, pranay7744, Mori, Nessamaria, happyowns, riotkiller, matt12, betmen, erica, kassa, BearGuru, cirno, Fruitoftheloom, arianna, charley, Slow, PetermhShini, JepoJ, Tigerawr, Misslongstockings, Madhatter48, Konata, Female, Shrub, Minecraftfangirlftw, BigBadBoy, Jono69, NeverMaf, Body/AdBlock, Warbird1500, Ookkies/Euniit group, ruse group, LaxBro69, Monkanej, LeeSin, GoldenPony, Ohaialex, Templar1990, Discordia, Terra, ling, futureblargg, Ethereal, RAWR, seanman, johnreid, anteup, Kradar, Kyledemort64, thEye, drysc, shivv, endorphins, rawrr, mau, fading, ordelman, inspector, TimTebow, data, noshirtman, SarahTwilight

future cheaters: totori, ThirdAug, Himiki, Gerry

over 8 years

vilden says

nah i still cant get over what connor said about the argument support thing, i have to break it down in a topic for him to see how deluded he is

He just doesn't understand how pluses work.
over 8 years

Calvin says

Edark says


god damn it
over 8 years
nah i still cant get over what connor said about the argument support thing, i have to break it down in a topic for him to see how deluded he is
over 8 years
edark delete my xrated
over 8 years
make sure you grab your Cheater of the Week, Week Three souvenirs before you leave
over 8 years

Hibiki says

aight peace yall, another thread ruined by the jerk brigade

you're not going anywhere pal, you're going to argue with me now
over 8 years
when the heck did i get an x-rated
deletedover 8 years

Edark says


over 8 years
wait no we had fun with you here earlier
over 8 years

Hibiki says

aight peace yall, another thread ruined by the jerk brigade

another thread ruined by the fun police*
over 8 years

Hibiki says

aight peace yall, another thread ruined by the jerk brigade

The thread was ruined when you and your bird turned up.

Guess you got something right after all.
over 8 years
Im being 100% serious

The amount of infantilizing is staggering and just insane. Regardless if someone should be allowed to request having their name taken down(they should and there is precedent for that) getting this upset over a freaking list is mind boggling
over 8 years
we were having fun til u came in
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
aight peace yall, another thread ruined by the jerk brigade
over 8 years

Edark says

over 8 years
was warbird actually abc
over 8 years
edark, are you being serious with me right now?
over 8 years
pereking that was a really good post well done
over 8 years

Hibiki says

Harrold says

vilden says

connor says

but yeah lol everyone's happy to plus this dumb post because it supports their side of the argument

it does support our side the argument which is how arguments are won in the first place lmfao. hibiki u just broadcasted how you're incapable of having an argument

Everyone is disagreeing with me even though I'm right.




You cant really call someone else a child when you're the one getting upset about a freaking list when the negative connotation is at most "she is a cheater"

if anything that is the most childish thing I've ever heard
over 8 years
over 8 years
gerry and mori, listen to me really carefully

stop posting about it or bringing attention to it. for all you know people here have information they arent outting re: the two of you. they could very well post it just to end the argument.

no one is even being serious in here to begin with
over 8 years

Harrold says

vilden says

connor says

but yeah lol everyone's happy to plus this dumb post because it supports their side of the argument

it does support our side the argument which is how arguments are won in the first place lmfao. hibiki u just broadcasted how you're incapable of having an argument

Everyone is disagreeing with me even though I'm right.



over 8 years

vilden says

connor says

but yeah lol everyone's happy to plus this dumb post because it supports their side of the argument

it does support our side the argument which is how arguments are won in the first place lmfao. hibiki u just broadcasted how you're incapable of having an argument

Everyone is disagreeing with me even though I'm right.



over 8 years
you two are gonna make me vomit in my mouth