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Cheater Database

over 8 years

gold hearts or pre-gold heart implementation only

hi. this is a thread. it's hard to keep up with who's cheated so i'm making a list. i'll add a few names that come to mind but if you've cheated please post in this thread and i'll add you. you can also post the name of someone else who has cheated. i want to make this comprehensive so please don't hold anything back

current list: Satan, Slow, Gerry, abc, Calvin, Edark, Shamzy, Devante, Togepi, JimSpermWorm, leo, Blister, Zhuorb, sineadiio, prevail, Anthony, poser, Delicate, Jill, AlSharpton, Rednose, Weareking, DrJackShephard, Kerry, LaurieRose, RoughNightBro, Acintris, xJade, Antidote, caroline, CoryInDaHouse, battletechies, mtvesuvius, Kelly, WhiteWind, kassavetova, grandukeofowls, arlian, kawarimi, Rawrwarrior, Zwink, D3xTr0m3th0rph4n, Private, vedarshi, Wonderland, Betrayal, Arcbell, Heisenberg, lumice, expose, bluefish, ScubaSteve, b0oty, pranay7744, Mori, Nessamaria, happyowns, riotkiller, matt12, betmen, erica, kassa, BearGuru, cirno, Fruitoftheloom, arianna, charley, Slow, PetermhShini, JepoJ, Tigerawr, Misslongstockings, Madhatter48, Konata, Female, Shrub, Minecraftfangirlftw, BigBadBoy, Jono69, NeverMaf, Body/AdBlock, Warbird1500, Ookkies/Euniit group, ruse group, LaxBro69, Monkanej, LeeSin, GoldenPony, Ohaialex, Templar1990, Discordia, Terra, ling, futureblargg, Ethereal, RAWR, seanman, johnreid, anteup, Kradar, Kyledemort64, thEye, drysc, shivv, endorphins, rawrr, mau, fading, ordelman, inspector, TimTebow, data, noshirtman, SarahTwilight

future cheaters: totori, ThirdAug, Himiki, Gerry

deletedover 8 years
ThE b*TcH WhO WaNtS To CoMpEtE AnD i CaN FrEaK a FiT ThAt PuMp WiTh ThE PeEp AnD
deletedover 8 years
That's some quality shitposting harod
deletedover 8 years
There is nothing on earth that we share

It is either Valjean or Javert!
deletedover 8 years
I am the Law and the Law is not mocked

I'll spit his pity right back in his face
deletedover 8 years
AnD ThAt i aM ThAt YoUnG SiS ThE BeAcOn
deletedover 8 years
Damned if I'll live in the debt of a thief!

Damned if I'll yield at the end of the chase.
over 8 years
Posts like these are why this is currently in off-topic
deletedover 8 years
YoU CaN SeE i BeEn ThAt B*tCh SiNcE ThE PaMpEr
deletedover 8 years
Vengeance was his

And he gave me back my life!
deletedover 8 years
All it would take

Was a flick of his knife.
deletedover 8 years
aNd WhEn i HiT ThE DiP GeT YoUr CaMeRa
deletedover 8 years
Wipe out the past

And watch me clean off the slate
deletedover 8 years
iM ReAdY tO DaNcE wHeN tHe VaMp uP
deletedover 8 years
It was his hour at last

To put a seal on my fate
over 8 years
Zharaki and Alexmeanberg, add them too
deletedover 8 years
To have me caught in a trap

And choose to let me go free?
deletedover 8 years
HeY i CaN bE ThE AnSwEr
deletedover 8 years
Who is this man?

What sort of devil is he
over 8 years
Hold it right there, Becomeclear 2.0
over 8 years
Unlawfully banned on 8/21/2013. I legitimately trophy run and get banned for 3 "supposedly" suspicious games based completely around conjecture and bias. Congratulations on banning someone innocent Sachy, you're a truly upstanding admin.
deletedover 8 years

Togepi says

Do you guys want Drake or Beyonce lyric spam

Mix it up and pick something wild
over 8 years
Do you guys want Drake or Beyonce lyric spam
deletedover 8 years

Mana says

damn how did i forget my best pal drysc

Drysc's frenzied eruptions of outrage after every ban were hilarious
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
a few missing from the list: drysc, shivv, endorphins, rawrr, mau, fading, ordelman, inspector, TimTebow