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Accent Challenge (yes again)

about 8 years

I know, I know. There was one kind of like this one before (Credits to Satan). But whatever, let's revive this thing. I wanna hear all of your beautiful voices <3

Your name and username.

Where are you from?

Pronounce the following words: About, Cthulhu, Vitamin, Alumin(i)um, Diverse, Water, Schedule, Crayon, Lawyer, Direction, Caramel, Either, Mobile, Advertisement, Oil, Tomato, Against, Sorry, Scary.

(Some of the words were added after the thread was made!)

Name the first 5 EpicMafia users that come to mind:

What is your perfect pizza?

What would you call the thing you carry your books in for school?

Do you speak a second language?

End the audio by saying any 3 words you want.

What accent do you have?
American accent
British accent
Australian accent
almost 8 years

mist says

Katie says

pip pip

Sinkies is a great song.

i agree with this statement, i'm pretty impressed you managed to pick up on the fact it was sinkies though to be honest considering it was moderately quiet and also hot sugar songs aren't exactly the most distinguishable from one another
almost 8 years

jack says

took a page from harry's old book and threw a j dilla track in the background

im laughing so hard omg
almost 8 years
took a page from harry's old book and threw a j dilla track in the background
deletedalmost 8 years
(also i have a cold)
deletedalmost 8 years
my mic quality is bad >.<
almost 8 years
I understand, just a little dead inside is all.
almost 8 years

i dont like forcing myself to speak spanish bc then it just comes out really awkward and i dknslvdvhh
almost 8 years

Sonrio says

kill me

NOOOO I died when you didn't unleash your Spanish skills saying Sonrio ;"(
deletedalmost 8 years

Sonrio says

kill me

holy crap
almost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years

Katie says

pip pip

Sinkies is a great song.
deletedalmost 8 years

ChilledOut says

Retti you talk slower and deeper than I imagined

dont want to disturb roommates lol
deletedalmost 8 years
Retti you talk slower and deeper than I imagined
deletedalmost 8 years

woo sick whispery voice

also ya my voice is v low surprise surprise.
deletedalmost 8 years

Katie says

pip pip

cheers love dont forget to take a grand p1ss in the loo
almost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
username, location, words:

5 EM users, pizza etc.:

they're not long i just had to separate them because i was interrupted
almost 8 years

Katie says

Japter says

apparently uh counts as a word

cambridge has turned u into professor snape

Omfg he does sound like snape
almost 8 years

Japter says

apparently uh counts as a word

cambridge has turned u into professor snape
deletedalmost 8 years

apparently uh counts as a word
deletedalmost 8 years
hi here's my beautiful american accent
almost 8 years
almost 8 years

lichi says
augh i dunno how to answer questions
i sound like a 4 year old xoxo

You were either drunk or pooping,
So which one was it?
deletedalmost 8 years
i'm 5 yeas old
deletedalmost 8 years