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Cody's records

over 8 years

This page now contains all of my records, as they are too long to fit on to a single OP on EM forums.

over 8 years
Congratulations HardCarry for winning some TWL against Woof (4-2). Thanks to FannyChmelar, QueenBritney, lichi, Meow, cosmoiswatching, N1ed, baba, and Unmaker for playing!
over 8 years
Congrats matt on winning some TWL over Stiffy (4-1) in a challenge medley. The rest of the cast in order of placement were: HardCarry, Otherscott, TheOneWhoKnows, FireDragonPrince, and WeTheNorth. Thanks for playing!
over 8 years

JaayCee says

Jeffrey can you not

over 8 years
Congratulations to annajane for beating JeffreyAaron in a 4-0 jury vote in some survivor! She won nearly every challenge and was dominant the entire game.

Jury members were, in order: FireDragonPrince, Sports123492, sanic12, TennisBallBFDI.

Thanks for playing!
over 8 years
Jeffrey can you not
over 8 years