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The ultimate guide to cheating

deletedover 8 years

Hey guys, today I want to tell you how I got the master of cheating and could yet not be detected:

  1. Download Firefox and a secondary browser, it does not matter which.
  2. Download a VPN addon for both browsers and active it on both browsers.
  3. Create two independent accounts on epicmafia, unfortunately they banned all the temporary mail services so you'll have to create an account on gmail or hotmail.
  4. Join the same game with two accounts, switch between the browsers to chat as one or the other person.
  5. One account will be the "winning" account, so if having different alignments, make sure that the other account always wins.
  6. If both have the same alignment, use process of elimination to find power roles or mafia.
  7. There are some situations where you simply cannot win as mafia. That's in auto-win situations. In such a case, you shall simply give up the win to not be detected as a cheater.

Throught this strategy, I've cheated on almost 100 games with up to 10 different accounts. I wanted to leave this site, so I thought I'd quickly share my story. :)

PS: Abc you are a low fucktard. You cannot reach my skill. :)

over 8 years
Are you telling me I could use 8 different browsers and play a game by myself?
deletedover 8 years
Damn this is smart. Like wow using 2 accounts to make one win. How did you even think of that?
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
They posted it in main too but it got moved to private forums
over 8 years
youre posting this in sandbox
deletedover 8 years
Indeed lool
deletedover 8 years
This is what people without friends to cheat with do with their lives
deletedover 8 years
>Cheating in Comp like it actually matters
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
I'm gonna cheat in sandbox and they'll never catch me!
over 8 years
yeah but who cares
deletedover 8 years
deletedover 8 years
Moderators might delete this thread, but not now. I want people to see this thread to see what has been my big secret for such a long time.

Don't get me wrong, this thread just exists to also apologize to the people I've betrayed.