I have played ranked games far too much long ago to not already know that this game is always going to have players fail and succeed fifty percent of the time, all the time. I'm tired. The common man lacks the ability to do certain task that are so simple, yet, crucial to the game. Someone says they know how to scum hunt, when in the end all I see is most people have approximately fifty percent wins and losses ALL THE TIME. The only players with more then that are always abusing the system. Some of the most intelligent players don't even get sixty percent win rates. The reason? The common man and the dynamics of the game.
Now I can sit here and we can all jerk each other off over why my opinion is valid while everyone else isn't, and why I'm right because I'm a higher rank or might makes right, ect.
Here is a list of problems with the common man and woman.
1 Inability to process of eliminate.
2 Wants to feel good more then they want to be correct, confusing feeling good with being correct.
3 Doesn't understand that their opinions value is equal to every other players opinion, unless they are clear, in which case they should realize that no one except the clear individuals opinion has any value.
4 Somehow offending someone is worse then actually hurting someone. If someone gets all their personal information leaked on the internet, it isn't as bad as how the person reacted toward everyone when they finally realized how stupid everyone is in the single moment they cared or will ever care about the opinions of others.
5 A lack of true self awareness. This one is very disturbing, but, people lack a true sense of self awareness. This causes them to be easy going and sheep, unless its something that makes them feel good. In which case they MUST FEEL GOOD.
This is only a small number. When I write my point of view, then I write the point of view of others, which I do in fact understand completely because how simply they are, it seems that the differences are so big that it's no wonder I can't communicate with a common person unless it has something to do with feeling good. Because that is all they relate to. "I want to be accepted so I can feel good", Says the common person. Why do you bring this into competitive?
Bonus Suggestion
Instead of just letting any idiot from training into competitive, they should have to be in the top twenty percent of people who have win loss ratios, with a minimum of one hundred games. I really dislike when someone joins a competitive game and votes someone because "they didn't make them feel good". If any common person understood the process of elimination, they would understand that they themselves should be eliminated, thus, making it a huge obstacle for them to understand. Thanks.