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Forum Mafia 16

about 8 years

Hey guys welcome to Forum Mafia 16 with your hosts Sonia and Gerry! sign up below (kudos to mist for using her rules thing)

The Mafia have won!

I. The Schedule:

72 hour days and 24 hour nights.

If the majority of night actions have not been submitted by the end of the night, I will extend the night another 12 hours. This will only occur once per night at most.

II. The Setup:

(Changes from previous forum mafia games are in bold)

  • Normal closed roles setup, as always, with the roles and affixes listed below

  • By default there are no Night 1 actions, including the mafia kill.

  • By default no role can self visit, except watcher.

  • Players are always notified at day start if their role is changed.

  • Players who share a meeting may communicate outside the game at any time of day. **

  • One mafia makes the kill each night. They will be the only one to visit the target.

  • On death, players flip their full role by default.

  • Members of the mafia may both make their role action as well as the factional kill on the same night.

III. The Roles:

IV. The Rules:

Please note the addition of the Twilight phase (in short, discussion after the hammer has occurred is now allowed until I am present to begin the night phase). Also, supermajority rules are in effect with no time limit. also

Editing your posts is not allowed. Use the EBWOP function (Edit By Way of Post) if you need to restate something or fix a spelling error.

V. Game Mechanics:

Meetings between players (mafia, masons, templars) will be facilitated in whatever way is most convenient for the players, as long as I can access these communications. Skype, Discord, QuickTopics, or Private Messages which include the moderators are all fine. Votes must be made in the format Vote: Playername. Bolding is done using the tags [b][/b].

deletedabout 8 years
by the tone of the thread i think that most of the mafia are in active people
deletedabout 8 years
vote shrub
about 8 years
Also if solace is mafia ill eat a sock
about 8 years

xSoniaNeverMindx says

Voting Log 1.2

(L-7) N1ed -
(L-7) mist -
(L-7) justdance666 -
(L-5) UltraAug - JeffreyAaron, papuito
(L-5) JeffreyAaron - Pony Justdance
(L-6) Mori - shrub
(L-7) Shrub -
(L-7) Minecraftfangirlftw -
(L-5) soda - solace mist
(L-6) Solace - soda
(L-5) papuito - Mori Ultra
(L-7) PonyLove -

Not Voting: N1ed, minecraftfangirlftw,
With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!

Day One ends May 12th, 11:59 PM ET or if a lynch is reached.

I voted Mori, she hasnt voted yet bud
about 8 years
I'll eventually read and give an annoying long post. Today is not that day
deletedabout 8 years
Sick freakin wicked.
deletedabout 8 years

about 8 years
Alright i think Mori is actually mafia. Started of as a joke vote, but now i scumread them.
about 8 years

Mori says

hi! first of all, it's my first time playing forum mafia. please be patient with me.

at first glance, n1'd entrace seems kind of forced and awkward.

papuito's first line is not a towntell or townslip to me, because he could've just found his own answer by reading the op or even the previous votes (there was no mention of a n1 death or anything of the sort to begin with), and after that he seems to have fillered quite a bit - and voted someone with no reasoning behind it. i would say pap is null leaning scum for this so far.

solace is my early townread. he is actively analyzing players and trying to find mafia, which is something i feel he does as town. also, he's the one who has contributed the most.

i don't know how i feel about shrub voting me since i have been quite clearly afk. is it a joke or does he mean it?

mist is and has always been a mystery to me, i never know how to read her. i don't really know why people are scumreading ultra, i find him pretty null so far.

anyway, i don't know if i'm doing this right, i hope i am!

Vote: papuito.

I also thought I pointed out it wasn't a towntell. Tbh that vote was just for a reaction. I also disagree with your early read on solace I say he is null at best.

After reading everything today I kinda like how Ultra is playing this game he is coming off as genuine.

I am also gonna change my vote to someone but idk who yet
deletedabout 8 years
vote ponylove
about 8 years
jeff, there's a difference between your filler and outing a few reads, like you really haven't said what you think about anyone, so I think if you tried to lead here, that'd be better, cause at least by doing that you'd give off something saying town or maf, instead of your current nothingness, and if you're town, you're not exactly being helpful to anyone here.
about 8 years

PonyLove says

Vote jeffreyaaron

Jeff has said a bunch, but none of it seems to mean anything it all seems like filler to me

tru. doesn't make me mafia though. means last game of FM i tried to talk and lead and do a lot day one as town and got lynched so
deletedabout 8 years
Hmm contrary to me usually having multiple town reads, i have too many scum reads this time. When i get home I'll long post some targets of interest.
about 8 years
Voting Log 1.2

(L-7) N1ed -
(L-7) mist -
(L-7) justdance666 -
(L-5) UltraAug - JeffreyAaron, papuito
(L-5) JeffreyAaron - Pony Justdance
(L-6) Mori - shrub
(L-7) Shrub -
(L-7) Minecraftfangirlftw -
(L-5) soda - solace mist
(L-6) Solace - soda
(L-5) papuito - Mori Ultra
(L-7) PonyLove -

Not Voting: N1ed, minecraftfangirlftw,
With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!

Day One ends May 12th, 11:59 PM ET or if a lynch is reached.
about 8 years
Vote jeffreyaaron

Jeff has said a bunch, but none of it seems to mean anything it all seems like filler to me
about 8 years
F*ck autocorrect

This is why we need to be able to edit things Sonia

Do u see the struggle
about 8 years
(poo savage)
deletedabout 8 years
vote jeffreyaaron
about 8 years
I hard TR Justdance if they don't vote me D1 for the first time in 219830793168093279687 games of Forum Mafia
deletedabout 8 years

PonyLove says

pap seems like town to me, but hey, half the people talking seem like town, sooo.

justdance, why the vote on soda?

and shrub, why are you voting someone who hasn't talked?

if papuito's town soda's probably trying to pocket him, if papuito's mafia soda's probably defending a partner
about 8 years

>claims that they were dumbtelling on purpose to get townread

if your trying to get townread why dont you just find mafia rather than proving that you are town yourself

oh yeah thats because your mafia yourself

whoops <3
about 8 years
your doing it exactly right

vote papuito.

about 8 years
hi! first of all, it's my first time playing forum mafia. please be patient with me.

at first glance, n1'd entrace seems kind of forced and awkward.

papuito's first line is not a towntell or townslip to me, because he could've just found his own answer by reading the op or even the previous votes (there was no mention of a n1 death or anything of the sort to begin with), and after that he seems to have fillered quite a bit - and voted someone with no reasoning behind it. i would say pap is null leaning scum for this so far.

solace is my early townread. he is actively analyzing players and trying to find mafia, which is something i feel he does as town. also, he's the one who has contributed the most.

i don't know how i feel about shrub voting me since i have been quite clearly afk. is it a joke or does he mean it?

mist is and has always been a mystery to me, i never know how to read her. i don't really know why people are scumreading ultra, i find him pretty null so far.

anyway, i don't know if i'm doing this right, i hope i am!

Vote: papuito.
about 8 years
im not a fan of the soda lynch

n1ed is playing exactly like last game, (and they were town then cough)

oh yeah

i agree with justdance's reads for the most part, so i think they are town

dont have much on anyone else shrubs vote was kinda odd but maybe it will get the afk people to wake up

cough mist provide explanation to you vote plz i want to know the logic behind peoples crap

theres my crap reads noone asked for and noone will use
about 8 years
Gets up to do voting log looks up...fking gerry