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over 8 years

Recently I have seen many innocent people fall victim the the dreaded middle rule. "What is the middle rule?", you may ask. If you do, please fck off back to main lobby.

In a recent game, I was clockmaker and WOULD have won if it had not been for the middle rule. It is my goal to abolish this plague on society through science and facts.

I have conducted a highly scientific experiment to disprove this myth. I have reviewed several recent games which had dreamer or caroler present. I took the dreams/carols and recorded which position the mafiascum held in them: Left, middle, or right. The results should be about equal among all three.


Left: 12 (11.01%)

Middle: 88 (80.73%)

Right: 9 (8.26%)

It appears my hypothesis was incorrect, and middle rule holds much merit. Carry on.

What have you learned from this thread?
Always use middle rule
Jenny is smart
All of the above
over 8 years
but middle rule is my religion
over 8 years
lel, you are ahead of your time, nepenthe ;)
over 8 years

moonunit says

In the end, it is best to simply ignore all carols and dreams.

I would encourage going one step further and ignoring epicmafia itself.
over 8 years
I encourage you to release your reports like this:

One of the following is mafia!
nightmarePhantom, nappeh1, yoyoyorlozer
nappeh1, yoyoyorlozer, nightmarePhantom
yoyoyorlozer, nightmarePhantom, nappeh1

With just a few extra strokes of the keyboard, you can impress your friends by creating a report that is impervious to middle rule interpretations!

(Oh wait, I guess there is a still a middle isn't there? Middle-rule enthusiasts would interpret the above report and move to lynch the middle of the middle, aka yoyoyorlozer)

In the end, it is best to simply ignore all carols and dreams.
over 8 years

Floor says

deletedover 8 years
uninstall leauge
over 8 years
isn't it just random?
over 8 years
Asholes stop stealing my thunder this thread was meant to show my intelligence not yours
over 8 years
domo arigato mr roboto
over 8 years

arials92 says

I decided to test this to see whether it holds true or not.

The "Middle Rule" WAS a thing that actually existed but has since been fixed.

The issue stemmed from the middle integer being rolled more than the before or after integer due to rounding.

Rolling: [(1)-1.49] <> [1.5 - (2) - 2.49] <> [2.5-(3)]

You can see the middle(2) has a much larger chance of rolling due to how decimals round up/down. This was the flaw and what gave birth to the middle rule. It's since been fixed.
over 8 years
didnt you go to grade school, jenny? or were you smoking weed and contracted aids by then already?

regardless, here's a nursery rhyme I learned in the 3rd grade that helps me in my serious mafia games:

first is the worst
middle is the fiddle
third is the nerd

basic stuff.
deletedover 8 years
I decided to test this to see whether it holds true or not. Plus I have nothing better to do with my life. Results are out of 100 reports of mafia from either caroler or dreamer.

Left: 36%
Middle: 25%
Right: 39%

While the percentages are all close, middle is actually the least common for mafia to be found in. There's some other things I noticed as well.

First, if there is 2 mafia in a carol, they are USUALLY on the left/right and not left/mid right/mid. Also, in dreamer dreams, sometimes dreamer will be included. In this case, the dreamer is almost always the first person said.

Next, the side in which the mafia is on seems to switch from day to day. The games that read "1 day ago" commonly have mafia on the left side whereas games from under 24 hours ago commonly had mafia on the right side.

If there is a middle mafia, they usually aren't alone. The person on the left/right will also be a mafia in most cases, but not all.

I documented at least one case where the carol/dream included no mafia (unless ww counts as mafia? Not sure)

Also there were a few games where all 3 were mafia, but this is a rare occurrence.

And there was this which just made no sense.

Anyways, tl;dr middle rule is actually the least common to find mafia, the others seem to switch from day to day.

Use middle rule anyways and always policy lynch.
deletedover 8 years
ja middle rule
over 8 years
mid or feed
over 8 years
Sorry, but the rule is if it's not middle, it's left, because right is never right, and it gives mafia a chance to bluff that it's not them by forcing them to be another role instead of "tabbing out" or staying silent until the next day.

Also, Great Pro here.