deleted over 5 years
milton is younger than me??? thats a first on this site
lol you're a bw fan because of jordan
MisterPresident says imagine yelling about trash franchises and bw fans and liking the bulls which historically is full of either bw fans or is trash Giga13 says lol mad syd says wtf is a torontonian Someone who lives in Toronto (ON), Canada. Don't love it either tbh
imagine yelling about trash franchises and bw fans and liking the bulls which historically is full of either bw fans or is trash
Milton1234 says bruh im a local... im not a bandwagon also they havent gone sub .500 in a while and i will care even if they do go in that direction currently you are the irrelevant one since 94% of your country wanted us/thinks that we were gonna win, and we did win. so you can call them bandwagons (which they are not) instead of calling an actual toronto resident a bandwagoner. Holy shít there's a lot more Canadians/Torontonians here than I thought
D3xTr0m3th0rph4n says "im not a bandwagon fan" - Patriots fan 2k19.. ok bro..I dont even care the Raptors won..but they are a trash franchise and they are in Canada and these are facts. lol mad
-sincerely, a bandwagon fan that won't care next year
milton went off fck off d3x! LET US HAVE THIS
Dex what is your team then
"they are a trash franchise" is not a fact lol that is 100% opinion
"im not a bandwagon fan" - Patriots fan 2k19.. ok bro..I dont even care the Raptors won..but they are a trash franchise and they are in Canada and these are facts.
d3x mad raptors gave him big boy champion raptor dickin
milton's from toronto? lol
and im not interested in hearing what you would say either, since it will be equally annoying/arrogant
the warriors in fact took out a whole PAGE of ads to congratulate the raptors not everyone is salty like you if the warriors won the championship you wouldnt even be saying any of this
btw they went from being a sub .200 team in 1995 to nba champions that's why hope is never lost. it wont be in the long run.
bruh im a local... im not a bandwagon also they havent gone sub .500 in a while and i will care even if they do go in that direction currently you are the irrelevant one since 94% of your country wanted us/thinks that we were gonna win, and we did win. so you can call them bandwagons (which they are not) instead of calling an actual toronto resident a bandwagoner.
sub .500 team next year back to irrelevancy, and bandwagons like you will stop caring
fyi out of the 50 states in the us, 47 wanted raptors to win
look who's crying now... not even the warriors are crying lol, and they lost 3 straight at oracle arena they got it done 100% business and effort guess who's crying now?
haha they won get rekt salty b*tch