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Rhyming Propaganda

over 8 years

Let's make rhyming information that is easy for new players to remember, or just for fun. Here are some to get us started:

-If he seems AFK, you must lynch him today.

-If he says he's a ghoul, then he must pay the toll.

-If he refuses to claim, his maf role is to blame.

-If he insists friendly third, flush him down like a turd.

-If he pleads you just trust him, show him to the dustbin.

-If a yaks on the loose, show celeb to the noose.

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over 8 years
He's right , tōl and fo͝ol aren't proper rhymes
over 8 years
are you meming on me drpeepoo because I won't stand for it I'll put a dislike on your post, that'll curdle your meme cream good
deletedover 8 years
Full and toll still don't rhyme
over 8 years
I guess I pronounce it wrong I pronounce ghoul like the gull in seagull
over 8 years
in what world to ghoul and toll rhyme
over 8 years
fool rhymes with cool there are a lot of possibilities