Howdy friends! So xSoniaNeverMindx and myself are going to be hosting an Until Dawn themed Big Brother this Friday at 9:00 PM EST!
We just wanted to have this posted to let you guys two things to expect out of this game, for those of you interested:
- A partial narrative to it. Its never been damaging to the game when done before, just something to have the players enjoy all the while playing the game!
- Until Dawn was an interactive video game and so to try something new, we're going to be making this an interactive game on some accounts. Basically, off and on, a question/request/decision will be asked to all of the remaining players. Everyone will simply submit a response privately and that's that. Its essentially a choice mechanic that will play out similarly to the Butterfly Effect.
So yes, the choices you make WILL have an impact on the game! Any questions or concerns can be posted here! We know it might seem a tad different, but we figure why not give it a try and let you guys know about it in advance!