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Game Suggestion - Who Said It?

over 8 years

Who Said It? (or WhoSeddit?)

Basically it works like The Game of Things. 3 or more people play. A topic is given (e.g. “Things you shouldn’t lick.”) and everyone gives a response. The responses are shuffled and revealed Tiramisu style. The first person tries to match one of the responses to its writer. If they’re correct, they earn a point and the writer is out. They also get to go again. If they’re wrong, control passes to the next player. This continues until one response is left. The person who wrote the unselected response earns 2 points.

The next person starts the next round, then the next starts the next round, etc. The game ends after a fixed number of rounds.

Rules source:

I think it would be a great and fun addition to our current game lineup.

deletedover 8 years
Another game choice- Guess Who
over 8 years
seems like a good idea
over 8 years
Seems simple enough, i think it would work
over 8 years
Or we can call it Cheesecake if we wanna fit with the dessert theme