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The Occultimate

over 8 years

Welcome to the ultimate philosophy of the Occult. Here is the very fundamental basic philosophy of the Occult and things dealing with knowledge. The Occult is essentially Epistemology. In this documentation of the Occult, I will go over the definition of nature, super nature, knowledge, and ask the question of "If the purpose we have is what we make it to be, then shouldn't our purpose be something that sustains itself?" and explain why knowledge and a new concept of knowledge that I call "super knowledge", is the answer to what our purpose should be.

I'v broken this documentation into a total of three sections. The first section is an attempt to innovate your mind. If you have a shell of denial around yourself, then you will greatly resist my philosophy when I present it to you no matter how logical it is. I need to open your mind with motivation before I can put anything inside of it.

The second section of this document is the five laws of nature. Most occultist say that it is more important to go over seven laws of nature, but, those laws of nature are not entirely solid laws and aren't for the mundane anyway. The mundane refers to people who aren't able to understand the rules of the laws of nature, as those who cannot understand the rules of this game we play, cannot possibly say anything to impress us. These five rules of nature are a reference to the true nature while the seven rules of nature are a reference to an illusion of completion; A trap fabricated by someone with far greater knowledge then humans.

The third second is the section where I talk about the idea of and why it is important to understand the idea of, "Super Knowledge". This concept is slightly more arcane then it sounds.

I won't lie that at first you might tell yourself that some of the things I am going to say are common sense, but, later you will end up denying them when you realize the implications of what I said exactly. The implications you will think of will involve whatever it is that bothers you and you might not think of it at first, but, later when you have problems in real life and read this, you will begin to. This is natural as denial is the first step in the grieving process.

Section 1

"The best way to predict the future is to create the future"

"The grass is only as green as you make it"

"The only thing holding us back, is time"

"To repeat something with finite chance involved is to ensure all chances occur"

"Small work over time becomes great work"

"Existence is a privilege"

"In a universe of both good and evil, the goal of nature requires both"

"To increase your limitations, you have to increase your nature"

Section 2

The First Law of Nature

There are three ways something may gain knowledge. The first way is through suffering the consequences of our actions. The second way is to learn from the mistakes of others. The third way is to be born with it.

The Second Law of Nature

The definition of nature is the way that something falls into place. To change the nature of something is to change how it falls into place. A poor man is poor because that is how they fall into place in the environment they are in. All things have a nature.

The Third Law of Nature

The occult rule of as above so below means, if the trillions of atoms that are below us fall into place to make us conscious and the universe is made of more then just atoms, then that means the universe itself is most likely some form of super consciousness.

The Fourth Law of Nature

You can emulate the nature of one thing into another if you understand the root nature of that thing. A green apple can be planted in a hole drilled in a red apple tree and will grow a branch with hybrid redish green apples. This applies to other things in ways that may not be considered humane and so I wouldn't advise doing this using the nature of consciousness.

The Fifth Law of Nature

To make things fall into place faster in a "bigger picture" sense, simply add more of that thing into the equation. The more humans on planet earth, the more faster humans manifest the nature underneath them. The more matter in one place, the more exponential the gravity aspect of matters nature begins to manifest itself.

Section 3

We create our own purpose, but, nature seems to have a path. We have to ask ourselves what purpose does nature itself have. What direction are we heading and what is it we should desire? Should we desire the same thing as nature or create our own nature? Even if all of the things we do in life are for nothing when we die, are they not already for nothing while we live? Is there any real purpose behind it when the direction we are heading, that we call advancing, can be altered? Where do we go when moving forward is moving backwards? Though we make our own purpose, should that purpose be around what pleases us only? If we do everything that pleases us because it pleases us and we are changed one day in our nature to be pleased by something else, none of what we did before will please us anymore and we would have to start over. What should please us if that is the case? I argue that knowledge should please us. Without knowledge pleasing us, we won't seek knowledge and will merely bite our own tails. We go in circles repeating history without knowledge. If we were dumb and only seek pleasure without understanding what pleasure is, then we would end up eventually not having the knowledge to keep that pleasure without, without knowledge. With an understanding as to what nature is, nature could only be sustained with knowledge. Knowledge is that path to immortality and knowledge is the path to infinite will power. Is knowledge the base of nature or merely an illusion of nature since it is the ultimate tool of sustainability? The true argument of the angels is if there is anything beyond knowledge. Is there a super knowledge? If so, then how does one emulate its way to obtain it?

Which of these ideas do you understand the least?
Gardenfulloflies is sandbox admin
Super knowledge is beyond space and time
Dimensions can have three directions of opposites
Cause and effect can switch places
over 8 years
over 8 years
time cube is real
deletedover 8 years
Section 1 is really wise if your mind is open enough to not see it as parables shared to your grandmother.
over 8 years
no u (lel rekt)