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Noavis vs. Neveravis

over 8 years


Too many misguided souls in this site are unable to wrap their heads around the differentiated, yet much needed concept of neveravis as opposed to noavis.

the fk is a neveravi mate??

A neveravi is a long-time user who has chosen to either remain or become a no avi because they think it's edgy. They find an identity in their lack of identity, which is super ironic and thus so clever. Neveravis are especially edgy when they used to be known to be part of a certain sub-community but have now turned into noavis; an example would be a weebavi turning into a noavi or a moderator who, after ascending to power, removes their avatar. Examples of users like these are PolicyTime, keldran and ThomasDuBois.

mate i dun care aboot no neveravi bs i want to policy em ayyy

No. Neveravis are not to be policied, mistreated, or otherwise unreasonably punished on principle. While not much better than noavis, neveravis are try-hard artists who are desperately seeking attention much like you and me and everyone else on this site, and thus deserve your respect.

lmao that makes no sense xD

But it does. A noavi is a lazy [redacted] that never even cared to put on an avatar or look at the Learn page before stumbling into a closed setup game with a hundred roles and then wondering why they suck at the game. Neveravis do none of this -- they are merely misguided, delicate and frankly incomprehensible entities that thrive on the attention that is given to them by being anti-systemic. They are a minuscule notch over Noavis and thus not part of policies.


deletedover 8 years
stop kill noavi!!!
over 8 years
[edge sharpens]
over 8 years
i see your peter pan reference

and i raise you my x-men reference

wouldn't you rather be the people keeping our streets clean of mutant noavi filth
over 8 years
Xavis sounds cute and I will have none of it. They're neveravis because they are delusional Neverlanders who have renounced their rights and will never be viewed the same by Sandboxian society.

LET IT BE KNOWN I am a fervent noavi scum policy advocate, however.
over 8 years
they're xavis not neveravis. people who knew the enlightened way of having an image, but turned their back on it to return to the gray suited anonymity of policy
over 8 years
shut up noavi scum
over 8 years
In case you're wondering, yes, this is my little attempt to make my neveravi term a thing. Indulge me.