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sandbox rules

over 8 years

hello, ive volunteered to write what you can consider to be the official rules of sandbox. those other rules are malarkey.

don't suicide n1

this is bannable

don't be polite

this is insincere, three strikes and you're banned

don't moderate

a common misconception is that there's a position called "moderator" in sandbox. it's actually called "narcissist"

post memes

sandbox is basically a landfill and landfills need garbage to sustain themselves so do your part

hateful comments are ok

it's all about wording. you can't use certain words, but you can be really vitriolic with the right vocabulary. this promotes creativity

outing personal information

it's also ok. i mean if a douchbag like you knows it then it can't be a very big secret

troll sufficiently

highly encouraged. if you say something stupid and it's suspected you might be serious, you'll be banned posthaste

harass equally

please don't focus your attention on a single user. everyone deserves nasty comments. they clearly don't love themselves if they visit this website so be charitable

keep it pg-13

anything depicting murder, seduction, violence, or manipulation is unsuitable for epicmafia users.

inappropriate avatar

the following is an image of an inappropriate avatar. you won't be banned for using this avatar, however you will be restricted to a trial version of mafia which expires day 1.

your limited opinion on these concrete guidelines
of overall acceptable quality
aside from major flaws, reasonable
highly inaccurate, which is a strength
not very good in general, but approvable
over 8 years
other than the opi one, sounds about right
over 8 years
Very good.
over 8 years
Thanks for this informative guide. My assistants have been helping me prep for my entry into the Competition of Main Lobby, and this guide will be very handy!