Dreams are movies that live in your head.
Every night when you sleep in your bed.
And you could have a dream about riding a horse.
Or you could have a dream about drowning in oil,
And you can have a dream about eating a treat.
And you can have a dream about buying a hat.
And you can have a dream about losing your friends.
And you can have a dream about burning your friend-
so here you go everyone here are the complete results of this contest
i will try to make this a regular thing and ill see when i can do it next!! probably very soon! thank for participating everyone
lmao. side note: i didn't realise when i signed up that we could choose any song we wanted so i used a song i wrote and i had no clue how to turn a recording into a video so i just filmed a random image from google and played the recording lmao lmao.
grats though halsey!! ^^
and that means, ladies and gentlemen, that our crowned winner for this round of the Epicmafia Song Contest is
initial points: 95 + 15%
final points: 109.25
number of 12s: 4
average score: 6.8
HalseyMartinez's votes:
12 - Nocturnul
10 - desta
8 - nepenthe
7 - Platypops
6 - ivy
5 - tricksterer
4 - Dawn
3 - Saika
2 - OhLookACat
1 - Bebop
deletedabout 8 years
o: I did it mom
initial points: 81 + 5%
final points: 85.05
number of 12s: 3
average score: 7.4
Arnother's votes:
12 - Nocturnul
10 - error
8 - ivy
7 - Saika
6 - Mac
5 - Uprizzle
4 - tricksterer
3 - Bebop
2 - nepenthe
1 - HalseyMartinez
initial points: 75 + 10%
final points: 82.5
number of 12s: 2
average score: 6.8
desta's votes:
12 - Platypops
10 - OhLookACat
8 - Saika
7 - Bebop
6 - HalseyMartinez
5 - Uprizzle
4 - nepenthe
3 - Mac
2 - ivy
1 - Nocturnul
in 4th place... Nocturnul
initial and final points: 82 + 0%
number of 12s: 2
average score: 7.5
Nocturnul's votes:
12 - desta
10 - Uprizzle
8 - Mac
7 - Arnother
6 - Saika
5 - ivy
4 - nepenthe
3 - HalseyMartinez
2 - error
1 - tricksterer
once again i excel at mediocrity
in 5th place... nepenthe
initial points: 68 + 10%
final points: 74.8
number of 12s: 0
average score: 5.7
nepenthe's votes:
12 - tricksterer
10 - Uprizzle
8 - desta
7 - HalseyMartinez
6 - Nocturnul
5 - ivy
4 - Bebop
3 - Saika
2 - Arnother
1 - Mac
in 6th place... Uprizzle
initial points: 66 + 10%
final points: 72.6
number of 12s: 0
average score: 6
Uprizzle's votes:
12 - Arnother
10 - Mac
8 - Saika
7 - nepenthe
6 - Bebop
5 - Nocturnul
4 - desta
3 - OhLookACat
2 - Japter
1 - Platypops
in 7th place... Platypops
initial points: 68 + 5%
final points: 71.4
number of 12s: 1
average score: 7.6
Platypops's votes:
12 - Mac
10 - Uprizzle
8 - OhLookACat
7 - Bebop
6 - nepenthe
5 - desta
4 - HalseyMartinez
3 - tricksterer
2 - Japter
1 - ivy
in 8th place... tricksterer
initial points: 59 + 5%
final points: 61.95
number of 12s: 1
average score: 5.9
tricksterer's votes:
12 - HalseyMartinez
10 - Platypops
8 - Arnother
7 - nepenthe
6 - desta
5 - error
4 - OhLookACat
3 - ivy
2 - Uprizzle
1 - Japter
in 9th place... Bebop
THE KING HAS FALLEN. good job everyone
initial points: 49 + 15%
final points: 56.35
number of 12s: 0
average score: 4.1
Bebop's votes:
12 - HalseyMartinez
10 - OhLookACat
8 - tricksterer
7 - Arnother
6 - Dawn
5 - error
4 - Uprizzle
3 - Nocturnul
2 - Saika
1 - Japter
in 10th place... Mac
initial points: 53 + 5%
final points: 55.65
number of 12s: 1
average score: 6.6
Mac's votes:
12 - Platypops
10 - nepenthe
8 - desta
7 - Nocturnul
6 - OhLookACat
5 - Bebop
4 - error
3 - Arnother
2 - ivy
1 - HalseyMartinez
in 11th place... ivy
initial points: 48 + 10%
final points: 52.8
number of 12s: 0
average score: 4
ivy's votes:
12 - HalseyMartinez
10 - Platypops
8 - Arnother
7 - Uprizzle
6 - OhLookACat
5 - tricksterer
4 - nepenthe
3 - Bebop
2 - Japter
1 - desta
mfw i refresh the thread every few secs but no new result for 6 mins
in 12th place... Saika
initial and final points: 44 + 0%
number of 12s: 0
average score: 4.9
Saika's votes:
12 - Arnother
10 - Nocturnul
8 - Mac
7 - Platypops
6 - HalseyMartinez
5 - desta
4 - Uprizzle
3 - tricksterer
2 - error
1 - ivy
in 13th place... error
initial points: 38 + 15%
final points: 43.7
number of 12s: 0
average score: 4.8
error's votes:
12 - Japter
10 - HalseyMartinez
8 - Platypops
7 - OhLookACat
6 - Nocturnul
5 - Bebop
4 - nepenthe
3 - Arnother
2 - Uprizzle
1 - Dawn
in 14th place... Japter
initial points: 23 + 15%
final points: 26.45
number of 12s: 1 (error)
average score: 3.3
Japter's votes:
12 - desta
10 - Nocturnul
8 - error
7 - Dawn
6 - Saika
5 - OhLookACat
4 - ivy
3 - HalseyMartinez
2 - Bebop
1 - Platypops
in last place... Dawn
initial points: 18 + 15%
final points: 20.7
number of 12s: 0
average score: 4.5
Dawn's votes:
12 - HalseyMartinez
10 - tricksterer
8 - nepenthe
7 - Arnother
6 - ivy
5 - Mac
4 - Bebop
3 - Japter
2 - error
1 - desta
first off, the disqualified.... OhLookACat
gatito would have gotten eighth place at the current votes if he had voted.
initial points: 61 + 10%
final points: 67.1
number of 12s: 0
average score: 6.1
ill go ahead and let you know what everyone submitted as their song