It seems like the game has been lost.. New players assert their ways of playing without actually playing by logic. They go with their gut, they don't reread, they don't think critically about what implications logically follow from certain comments or votes or anything.
But then they refuse to be taught or learn from their mistakes!!? They mishammer and leave right after the game ends. They vote as clear immediately in a 3 way and refuse to entertain any comments. I'm not a stickler for perfect fundamental EpicMafia, and I don't really care about winning or losing, but games aren't fun when half of the town "wasn't paying attention," "this game has gone on tooo looong," "im lazy," "this cop said I was inno so I'm going with him."
Really sucks. I'm not even any good at this game but recently its just worse and worse. I love hearing the logic that I missed, I love being corrected - it makes me a better player! But I am noticing that more and more, what this game is about is just being ignored.