dude im just saying that shaGuar sounds like a petri account
Lol you banana fk that's my account
ok idc who you are unless you're petri so don't even call me a banana u suckhead
deletedalmost 9 years
"got away" isn't the same as everyone knew and didn't want to risk personal information being outted by indulging themselves in something that had nothing to do with them, imo.
deletedalmost 9 years
nah some some dude got away with 4 golden trophies if you can believe that
dude im just saying that shaGuar sounds like a petri account
Lol you banana fk that's my account
deletedalmost 9 years
i'll pass, fox
deletedalmost 9 years
I'll be Steve Harvey, you can be the 40 year old white mom from connecticut and we can play Epicmafia family fued
deletedalmost 9 years
Or am I? was that sarcasm? Let us test critical thinking of EM Mods along with critical reading
deletedalmost 9 years
Yes retirement, that is what was said, retirement of all games mafia. Boy am i taken aback by the rapid increase in critical reading skills displayed by EpicMafia moderators.
aight dude settle down
deletedalmost 9 years
who is starfuel and why don't they have a fish out of water nbc sitcom about returning to epicmafia.com
deletedalmost 9 years
Yes retirement, that is what was said, retirement of all games mafia. Boy am i taken aback by the rapid increase in critical reading skills displayed by EpicMafia moderators.