deletedover 8 years

You can send the message through here: If you want to be known as the sender PM the message.

Messages no longer fit in this thread if you'd like to see more messages:

For Joshua/Eris: I love your snotty remarks. -Anonymous

-Eris, you are ok sometimes. -Sweetnkind"

For Murica: Will you marry me? This is Hilary. -Anonymous

For Private: I like big trophies babe. Can I play with yours? :^) -Anonymous

For Simplypam: -Is sexy af, but it's sad because she will never love me back :( -Anonymous

-Dear SimplyPam, lemme dominican your republic ;) -Anonymous

For Codeslicer: I like code slicer more than my cactus - Freshman

For Vamps: Dayum have you seen vamp's ? come my way, babe. -Anonymous

For Japter: Has a nice dong. 1o/1o fam. -Anonymous

For annajane: annajane is my mommy - Anonymous

For Pamda: Pamda is like little caesars, shes hot and im ready ;) Anonymous

For Admin: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Roses are red Sometimes thorny. When I see you online, I'm always -----! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -Anonymous

For krystalk: your knockers are nice -Anonymous

For Sawnic: Sawnic, can you show me how fast you really go? -Anonymous

For FaithH: Give me something to have Faith in and worship at night ;) -Anonymous

For Kiwiquill:

-Do you actually taste like kiwis ;) -Anonymous

-I like you. I also like horses. Let's go ride a horse into the sunset.

For Cabinets: You make me as hard as the wood you're made of -Anonymous

For ashmarie143: ashmarie143 is def the real slim shady - Anonymous

-hi I'm REALLY embarrassed but I kinda wanna date you with how pretty you are ;-; -Anonmous

For Linker: Dear Linker, will you link my logs? -Anonymous

For Freshman: Freshman? More like fresh meat ;) come my way babe

For FurioTigre: Give me your name so I know what to scream tonight???

For ???: Valentine's Day is the day that the "V" and the "D" come together -Anonymous

For sweetnkind: I love watching you tear someone to shreds. -Anonymous

For Chitose: I love u chittiechan ur such a great liar people actually believe the chit u say marry me pls. -Anonymous

For sociallyawkwardbee: Let's drink champagne and dance to Miley Cyrus - Anonymous

For TrickyNicky: lets go on a picnic -Anonymous

For HelloImDenis: you're super cute tbh -Anonymous

For leo: you've got a cute bum xoxo -Anonymous

For Pranay: You can HAMMER me anytime ;) -Anonymous

-You accused me of throwing a game against you one time in a report and i didnt. you made me so mad that i threw 4 games against you to get back at you. im really sorry and hope you can forgive me <3 -Anonymous

For expose: I'd boop you ;^) -Anonymous

For Pingu: You are the most adorable person on em bby <3 -Anonymous

For CowboyButtSecks: If I said half the things I wanted to do to you I'd get an x-rated vio -Anonymous

-Cowboybuttsecks, you got a 10/10 babe ;) -Anonymous

For nicoleslaw: Hi i wanna hug u for just being such a wonderful person -Anonymous

For Mindful: We could talk about food all day and I'd never get tired of you ♥

For Betmen: that photo of you in that flamingo shirt DAYUMMMM -Anonymous

For ???: I ended up having a thing for someone who hated my friends. Little did he know that I would always pick my friends over a guy. So here's to all my friends: I LOVE YOU ALL- a deleted user who just came back to send this as Pam linked me to it :3 -Anonymous

For DonaldTrump: your racism turns me on -Anonymous

For Stiffy: I think stiffy is pretty cute - Anonymous

For ???: For someone.. I really like you. I'm writing this because I love you! But world is cruel and I didn't do anyting yet so... I love you! -Anonymous

For Peta: I want to gently caress your pecs as you graciously rip through every single forum poster's butt -From your number 1 fan, blister

For harodhig: hot damn ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -Anonymous

For hardEFFINGworker I bet hardEFFINGworker is a hardEFFINGworker in bed (; -Anonymous

over 8 years

FurioTigre says

>tfw no girl telling me im hot

its like being at school all over again lel

Damn, no wonder your avatar is pepe
over 8 years
>tfw no girl telling me im hot

its like being at school all over again lel
deletedover 8 years
OHHHHHHH without the T LMAO
deletedover 8 years
deletedover 8 years

pamda says

SimplyPam says

LMFAO that message for lucid

whats the ----?? ._.

deletedover 8 years

SimplyPam says

LMFAO that message for lucid

whats the ----?? ._.
deletedover 8 years
LMFAO that message for lucid
over 8 years
to any girls out there

over 8 years
pleaes dont troll me im emotionally vulnerable
deletedover 8 years
Omg nicoleyrenaa <3
over 8 years
santa inspired me to be brave and not hide behind an anonymous wall
over 8 years
i love nicole
deletedover 8 years
deletedover 8 years
me <3 code
deletedover 8 years
Your ability to discern ironic banter just makes my anguish that much greater, when I'm home I'm really gonna punish my liver
over 8 years
oh crap wrong website
over 8 years
i am in luv with pamda
deletedover 8 years

ling says

This sites not even worth 5 minutes of my time anymore

you're here though
deletedover 8 years

ling says

This sites not even worth 5 minutes of my time anymore

no.. stay, im gonna give u some anon love :^(
deletedover 8 years

harodihg says

I'll live stream myself wallowing in pool of my own vomit and despair

can u not fill this thread with ur sorrow
over 8 years
This sites not even worth 5 minutes of my time anymore
deletedover 8 years
y isnt mine anonymous no one was supposed to know its mine le crei
over 8 years
This is depressing.
deletedover 8 years
Just another Saturday night.
over 8 years
Nice thread idea