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Only one vio? For ever game report?

over 8 years

So i heard you can only get one vio like if i

Hatefull commented and spammed and gted i only would get a vio for GT and notging else

I think this is kinda stupid cuz WHY get one vio if you BREAK multiple rules it doesnt make sense

Its like when your gting on purpose and be like i only can get reported for one thing so i do everything i want

Whats your opinion bout this?

Multiple vio's one one game report?
over 8 years

Gerry says

Giga says

Hatefull commented and spammed and gted i only would get a vio for GT and notging else

No. You'd get a HC and a GT vio. YOu can do 1 community vio and 1 game related vio per game for a person.

i know, i was irony quoting the OP lol
deletedover 8 years
but there is
over 8 years
pretty sure there shouldnt be a limit on community vios per game
over 8 years

Giga says

Hatefull commented and spammed and gted i only would get a vio for GT and notging else

No. You'd get a HC and a GT vio. YOu can do 1 community vio and 1 game related vio per game for a person.
over 8 years
Hatefull commented and spammed and gted i only would get a vio for GT and notging else
over 8 years
Ah that clears things up then i guess

Meh logic neh immersion
over 8 years
The most serious vio is always the one that is applied, so for example if you troll, gamethrow and OGI you will get the Gamethrowing violation.

Oh and as Japter said community violations are seperate to game violations. You can simultaneously get harrassment and GT.
over 8 years
what japter said
deletedover 8 years
reiyo should get hipfiring/grudgeshooting vio for killing me every game when he's illu. ban him
deletedover 8 years
Not sure if it's changed but you can receive at most 1 community violation and at most 1 game violation per game.
over 8 years
Tfw when a noavi called my bad things and gted and spammed vote