i haven't heard their new album actually, the last one i heard from them was whichever had nine in the afternoon. hated that album purely because it was such a weird step from a fever
"but it's better if you do" "lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off" "there's a good reason these tables are numbered honey you just haven't thought of it yet" "crazy = genius" "build god then we'll talk"
A fever you can't sweat out was probably my favorite album in middle school, bar maybe all dookie/american idiot by Green Day. I still listen to panic, but mainly only A fever you can't sweat out. London beckoned songs about money written by machines owns and would be my fifth song instead of crazy = genius but otherwise I would say the same as you
lol 4/5 are from fever (my fave album). have you heard c=g ? their new album is almost as good as fever imo. also barring their new album i'd have to put time to dance [which was at some point my fave song]