almost 9 years
$11.36 seems like a bargain considering the fame she's about to hit with this epic article
deletedalmost 9 years
almost 9 years

Orly says

it took longer to write this article than it did to fake an online death

im not sure if im impressed or embarrassed for the author

Damn, successful journalist Alina Simone just got owned by Epicmafia user VashTheStampede for releasing a story in major online publication The Guardian.
almost 9 years
Well, who can blame the girl. The constant drama on this site is perfect to make journalist bloom.

Who knows how many rising stars now work in various tv programs and newspapers after writing about Epic Mafia.

P.S. Front page, my friends, Front page. This is what we are.
almost 9 years
it took longer to write this article than it did to fake an online death

im not sure if im impressed or embarrassed for the author
almost 9 years
In Epic Mafia, there is a word for the act of scanning someone’s messages for clues as to whether they are mafia: scumreading. Careful inspection of the Sullivan County Tribune website might have revealed that listed among the newspaper’s staff was one Nikita Petrov – a Russian historian acclaimed for his books about the Soviet secret police, who Eris was known to admire. But no one scumread Eris’s suicide note. Or his obituary. His clues were never found.

no wonder everyone sucks at scumhunting
deletedalmost 9 years
almost 9 years
"Hey Alina how's work going"
"Oh it's frickin awesome I'm covering a story over how an online mafia player wrote a fake suicide note and spent tons of time and resources to make it seem real but then was revealed anyway haha. It's going to be so cool haha"
"... don't you write for The Guardian?"
deletedalmost 9 years

Japter says

wonder if the author is reading this

hi Alina include me in the next one
almost 9 years

Giga says

mist says

Giga says

mist says

Giga says

how did he get a guardian article srs

don't worry, some day the GigaCast will be rightfully recognized and written about in reputable online news sites such as The Guardian

im actually srs though how did he do it

a journalist got wind of the story and approached him for an interview since they thought it would make an interesting piece.

i'm done.

I'm Don.
deletedalmost 9 years
Yeh it's not related to Arcbell's thing, that's more fun.
deletedalmost 9 years

xxerox says

Is this for Arcbell's countdown? Did he wrote it ?

deletedalmost 9 years
Of all people Xerox is the one to figure it out.
deletedalmost 9 years
josh should fake another suicide so that the next article can be called death of an internet troll 2: electric boogaloo
almost 9 years
Is this for Arcbell's countdown? Did he wrote it ?
deletedalmost 9 years
wonder if the author is reading this
almost 9 years
the death of a troll lmfao
almost 9 years

mist says

i hear Sonrio has a big article about him coming out on Kotaku because he's super gay.

Where are my hits???
deletedalmost 9 years

Retti says

where's the article on lolwot?

Well, you see, the difference between Josh and lolwot is that no one actually cares about lolwot.
deletedalmost 9 years
where's the article on lolwot?
almost 9 years

mist says

Giga says

mist says

Giga says

how did he get a guardian article srs

don't worry, some day the GigaCast will be rightfully recognized and written about in reputable online news sites such as The Guardian

im actually srs though how did he do it

a journalist got wind of the story and approached him for an interview since they thought it would make an interesting piece.

i'm done.
deletedalmost 9 years

Giga says

mist says

Giga says

how did he get a guardian article srs

don't worry, some day the GigaCast will be rightfully recognized and written about in reputable online news sites such as The Guardian

im actually srs though how did he do it

a journalist got wind of the story and approached him for an interview since they thought it would make an interesting piece.
deletedalmost 9 years
I'm going to pee my pants.
almost 9 years

mist says

Giga says

how did he get a guardian article srs

don't worry, some day the GigaCast will be rightfully recognized and written about in reputable online news sites such as The Guardian

im actually srs though how did he do it
deletedalmost 9 years
"Epic Mafia’s vigilantes began to cast their net wider. The focus shifted from people telling potentially dangerous lies to those telling commonplace ones, like the player ostracised for claiming to be from Australia when she in fact lived in Florida."

we did it