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Lobby Rules

over 8 years

All instances of rulebreaking will be handled on a case-by-case basis. That being said, the standard will typically be one warning, and then a perma-ban after someone continues to violate.

  1. Do NOT Leave games if the game is going and you are alive. Due to EpicMafia's coding issues, this can cause a game to break and in rare cases, cause an account to get stuck into a game. - Report people who leave games or, "suicides" to the lobby staff. (Please Include a link to the game)

  2. No discussing incest (includes pairs generally considered incest)

  3. Keep open games PG-13-ish. Cursing allowed. The line is drawn at Racism, Homophobia, Sexism, and so on.

  4. Do not cheat. (Example: Dead Asgore going on Skype and telling the living Frisk who the Mafia are)

  5. Be respectful of your fellow lobby members.

  6. Game hosts should tell everyone the rules of their game if they have any house rules. Please respect the host's rules.

  7. Keep Out-of-Character drama to a minimum.

  8. Do not play against, or sabotage your role or side. (Example: Fabricator giving a gun to a fellow mafia, Outing yourself and your fellow mafia, Shooting on the first day)

Any questions or concerns, please message TheDreads