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Why can't I look up roles in-game?

over 8 years

I'm coming back from after a long break and all these icons are different and there are tons of new roles and having to go to the "learn" menu to look for an icon that matches my icon is the worst user experience in the entire universe. You can't search for it, and it's paginated by alignment, even though you don't even necessarily know your alignment. Some of these icons could be almost anything. And you don't know if you just missed the icon or if the alignment is wrong because you can't just ctrl+f for the name of the role.

It makes learning the game extremely frustrating because I'm having to go back to learning these roles and I really just want to have a tooltip over the role icon that says what exactly the role is. The information in the "Learn" section, just cram it into a popup. Every single little pixel-art sprite should turn on a tooltip with all the information about the role it represents. Also, the name of the role should be visible in-game by default. Probably right under the sprite.

I don't think that would be hard to do and it would make it way easier for people to learn the game. It'd make your webapp less frustrating and people would be more willing to stick around. For people who've been playing a while and know the majority of the roles, it's not bad that it's a huge hullaballoo to look up a single role because you only have to do it once every couple games. But for a new person, they're having to look up roles all the time.