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how much money do mods make?

almost 9 years

hi im a bit bored with my current job and looking for an upgrade, just wondering how much the starting wage is for an epicmafia moderator?

over 8 years

Satan says

they make 5 dollars for every correct violation given and lose 5 dollars for every wrong violation given, so basically they work for free.

over 8 years
did sachy just amime me
deletedover 8 years
i was paid in friendship
over 8 years
i made 15/hr dunno bout you guys
over 8 years
Sanctity you are sluttty cunnt and idiotic whoree
over 8 years
they get paid in epicmafia tokens
deletedover 8 years
Time they quit
over 8 years

Venus says

Well some mods would lose money

yeah so maybe modding isnt for them
deletedover 8 years
Well some mods would lose money
over 8 years
they make 5 dollars for every correct violation given and lose 5 dollars for every wrong violation given, so basically they work for free.
over 8 years
bumping this for more opinions
almost 9 years
But that's only for Mods who live in a 25 mile radius of Phillip Wang. The other mods have to settle for $1.00 a year wage.
almost 9 years
Mods make a milli a milli a milli... IT's definitely an upgrade.