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what happen? history

deletedalmost 9 years

to this community? this is not an insult towards EM it is just an honest question so i can have some information about the history here

weebs, gays, tumblr people
1 signed
what happen?
what happen?
tumblr people
weebs and gays
almost 9 years
i came from reddit.
deletedalmost 9 years

poser says

i'm gonna need uncle rico to build a time machine and prevent any sandboxers from becoming mods

There are alternatives ;)
deletedalmost 9 years

Stragger says

The situation became worse as sandbox became more populated and eventually such sandboxers ventured out into main lobby and realized they could just circlejerk with anime avatars and win games

HEY that hasn't happened in ages
almost 9 years
make sure lucid stays forever and the mod system never gets implented
almost 9 years
i'm gonna need uncle rico to build a time machine and prevent any sandboxers from becoming mods
almost 9 years

Stragger says

4chan "left" circa 2012 and then Tumblr got a grasp of the website via lucid adding anonymous games and decks for roleplayers such as dangan ronpa which have then infested sandbox and leaked over to other parts of the site

i feel like 4chan was still in sandbox in 2013. but the downfall of this site is the tumblr nerds
almost 9 years

Stragger says

they could just circlejerk with anime avatars and win games

almost 9 years
mfw i realize i was here half a decade before 4chan
deletedalmost 9 years

Stragger says

4chan "left" circa 2012 and then Tumblr got a grasp of the website via lucid adding anonymous games and decks for roleplayers such as dangan ronpa which have then infested sandbox and leaked over to other parts of the site

now that is shameful
deletedalmost 9 years
The situation became worse as sandbox became more populated and eventually such sandboxers ventured out into main lobby and realized they could just circlejerk with anime avatars and win games
deletedalmost 9 years
4chan "left" circa 2012 and then Tumblr got a grasp of the website via lucid adding anonymous games and decks for roleplayers such as dangan ronpa which have then infested sandbox and leaked over to other parts of the site