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over 9 years

Hello all. I am Giga13/Giga/Giga96 ( / / ).

You know when you're in the graveyard in a game and people are debating over what will happen and who will win? I do. That's the fun part of the graveyard, predicting and watching the outcome of the match--sometimes, in the post-game chat, people talk about what should have or could have happened, and how it would have affected the match. However, there sometimes isn't enough time to fully appreciate what happened in a game, and that is therefore a wasted opportunity to learn something (or something more) from it.

Well what if it was really analyzed after it finished? What if something, or something more, could actually have been learned from the game? I will pick one game a week (maximum) to personally analyze through audio format in order to do this for users and in order to help them learn more from the games--and believe me when I say that you do not have to be a part of the match in order to learn from it (this is true throughout much of life as well).

If you would like one of your games analyzed, please post it here. I sadly will not be able to analyze the majority of the ones posted, as they require saving once they are a month old in order to view them, and I will only be doing one a week maximum. So the sooner you post it, the more time you will have to read the game along with my analysis! You need to spend 2 tokens to save the game before one month expires after the end of the game, or else it can no longer be viewed. That is completely optional for you however. Also, there is nowhere where you can see a list of the games you have saved, so I recommend writing it down somewhere or saving the game links somewhere off-site, as even PMs (private messages) expire once you hit around 600 in your inbox.

I will generally prefer to take gold heart games for analysis however, as these games are competitive, generally feature more experienced players, sometimes more difficult setup mods, and usually will have something more to learn from as opposed to the majority of red-heart matches that are played. That being said, I will read them all and choose the ones that I think would be the best for analysis when deciding on which games to use. THE GAME DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ONE OF YOUR OWN! Also if you feel uncomfortable posting a game for analysis here, you may private message me on either Giga or Giga13.

A side note: These are generally designed for newer players, but I believe we can all learn from reviewing our wins and losses, not just in mafia but in any game.

Some analyses will be a part of Gigacast if I have time to fit them into the program (see: ), but I will post all of them here regardless as well.

I will post a sample unless I get requests before then, just so you will know what to expect in these. IF I get no requests by December 13th then I will post a sample soon thereafter.

List of Analyses (all games are gold heart unless otherwise specified):

My channel (I will make playlists for certain setups once I have enough videos for that):


  1. Basic Variant -
    (Game: )
  2. frontier justice 2.0 -
    (Game: )
  3. frontier justice 2.0 -
    (Game: )
  4. frontier justice 2.0 -
    (Game: )
  5. B2NS Dawnstart (Handing a Power-Aggressive Mafia) - ( )


  1. Great and Innovative -

Tactics Videos:

  1. No Lawing - (No Game)
  2. Tabbing Into Being Voted - (Game:

  3. Statistics in Mafia Part 1 -

Terminology Videos:

  1. Slip - (No Game)

Videos for New Users:

  1. NEW VIDEO! Game and Lobby User Interface Tutorial -

Other Videos:

  1. I mindfuck myself while attempting to figure out optimal Janitorial 2.0 strategy -

All games expire within 30 days so unfortunately I can't save them since that costs 2 tokens per game. But while they're still viewable, feel free to enjoy them however you'd like!

about 9 years

Pinche says

ty giga for helping us. we love u.

thank you!
about 9 years
does anyone know how to switch youtube names from your google name back to a normal youtube name? i don't want my name showing as 'Justin M.'
deletedabout 9 years here's another good game which I think will make a great vid
deletedabout 9 years
do either one of these games, whichever you think will make a better video a game in which I did good - a game in which I did absolutely terrible but still won somehow
deletedabout 9 years
ty giga for helping us. we love u.
about 9 years
about 9 years

Sonrio says

gigas voice is sexy

thank you for your feedback!

peach says

in lieu of a game to analyze can you read 50 shades of grey out loud and record it

perhaps some other time. lol
about 9 years

Sonrio says

Review this

EpicMafia Game Analysis #2:


This one is only 18-19 minutes. I'll try keeping most under 20 (think of it as the length of an average mafia game; it's not really that bad)

In time the 720p will be ready for this video, usually takes a few minutes.
deletedabout 9 years

Giga13 says

Give me some more games to analyze!
about 9 years
in lieu of a game to analyze can you read 50 shades of grey out loud and record it
about 9 years
why is this title so goddamn long
about 9 years
about 9 years
gigas voice is sexy
about 9 years
Give me some more games to analyze!
about 9 years

Pavoneo says

Giga13 says

Here it is, my first recorded mafia game analysis! It is VERY long... sorry. Future ones will be MUCH shorter, and will be better. I fumbled a lot on my words, spoke unclearly/fast at some points, and made some mistakes in this one (I am pretty tired), but practice makes perfect. The future videos will be shorter and will have fewer errors.

Comments and feedback are appreciated. Thank you for your support in not only this endeavour, but for The Gigacast as well (which, hopefully, will be coming soon)!

Good vid!

The main suggestion I'd have for you is more planning before recording the video (having additional tabs already open if you want to show pie charts and statistics, possibly a more focused path on what you want to discuss, etc). I like that you included generic information such as elaborating on common acronyms and common observations/tactics (both of which were relevant ~22 min in), making the video accessible to not only comp players but also newer fellas.

Really though, you're on the right track and your minor mistakes such as the ones you mentioned will disappear the more comfortable you get doing this. You're a badass for doing this man.

Thank you very much for your feedback Pavoneo! I thought I would be able to simply click a player name in game for statistics access, but that didn't work for whatever reason. A minor snag. But yeah, better preparation would definitely be in my best interest, and therefore, in the interest of my viewers.

Thanks again!
about 9 years

Giga13 says

Here it is, my first recorded mafia game analysis! It is VERY long... sorry. Future ones will be MUCH shorter, and will be better. I fumbled a lot on my words, spoke unclearly/fast at some points, and made some mistakes in this one (I am pretty tired), but practice makes perfect. The future videos will be shorter and will have fewer errors.

Comments and feedback are appreciated. Thank you for your support in not only this endeavour, but for The Gigacast as well (which, hopefully, will be coming soon)!

Good vid!

The main suggestion I'd have for you is more planning before recording the video (having additional tabs already open if you want to show pie charts and statistics, possibly a more focused path on what you want to discuss, etc). I like that you included generic information such as elaborating on common acronyms and common observations/tactics (both of which were relevant ~22 min in), making the video accessible to not only comp players but also newer fellas.

Really though, you're on the right track and your minor mistakes such as the ones you mentioned will disappear the more comfortable you get doing this. You're a badass for doing this man.
about 9 years

Here it is, my first recorded mafia game analysis! It is VERY long... sorry. Future ones will be MUCH shorter, and will be better. I fumbled a lot on my words, spoke unclearly/fast at some points, and made some mistakes in this one (I am pretty tired), but practice makes perfect. The future videos will be shorter and will have fewer errors.

Comments and feedback are appreciated. Thank you for your support in not only this endeavour, but for The Gigacast as well (which, hopefully, will be coming soon)!
about 9 years

Loreli says

Good - no, a great idea.

Thank you for your feedback
about 9 years
I've completed my first analysis, this is the game I did: (suggested by fFoOsS)

I will be uploading video (desktop capture) of the game to YouTube so that even when the games expire after one month (unless they get saved for 2 tokens) they can still be viewed and my analysis will still have relevance since the game will still be able to be viewed. This also saves people tokens since they don't have to save games that they want analyzed if it takes me a while to get to their games!

Will be posting the video once it is uploaded. It is a long one because as it was my first game analysis, I explained some concepts that I will not be explaining in future videos. If questions ever do arise around some of said concepts, I can always explain it in a post or refer the asker to a certain point in one of my videos rather than explaining the concepts again in more videos, taking up time in them (I know most people don't want to watch a 20 minute mafia game analysis video... lol).
over 9 years
over 9 years
over 9 years
You say you would Rather take my games ? Seems legit.
over 9 years
Good - no, a great idea.
over 9 years

I think the day of this game has a lot to learn from. For town and mafia.
over 9 years
I wanted to get this done for an old game that I had saved. When I went back to check. I figured that I had saved the wrong game. 2 tokens spent to save a game where I died n1 as doc.