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Sandbox Cypher Showdown - Round 1

over 8 years

Round 1 is upon us!

The first round is a free for all! Pick any beat and write some verses. The length of the track is not especially important; as long as it isn't too short or too long you should be fine. Again, no slurs, but swearing is fine. Also, don't plagiarize. You may adapt lines from other songs or riff off other tracks, but don't quote more than a single line verbatim.

Judge: MasterCthulhu

The deadline for this round is Monday, November 16

Tentative schedule for future rounds:

1: Free for all

2: Everyone uses the same beat (to be announce)

3: Rap battles

4: ???? (Mystery round)

No one will be eliminated in the competition. Rather, whoever has the highest total score at the end will be the winner!

You can still join until the first round ends, so if you're interested, come on in!

Add me on Skype: jumpfunem and I'll add you to the group