almost 9 years


The spy killed laura, who left a clue SIA

Detective percy johnson investigated the case. He met laura's friend, Tasia evens. Who helped him found the killer

Now threat has risan. The disguiser. We left off as donna (percy's girlfriend ) and percy meets tasia and tyler, her boyfriend

deletedalmost 9 years
lilin: gas them
almost 9 years
*tasia felt honored * what kind of virus is it?
Greg: airborn. There is a powerplant we can use.
Tasia : excellent. What if milo and tyler gets in the way.
Greg: dont worry. I'll take care of your ex, you take care of milo....what is tyler's weakness.
Tasia: isnt it obvious? Its me
*milo and tyler found their location*
Tyler: i see other people. Do you have any ideas?
almost 9 years
Tyler: you dont mea-
Milo: i have no choice...look. i dont think there is a cure for her illness. Im sorry tyler...
*tyler sighs*
Milo: shes on her way to the airport. Lets follow her
*tyler and milo follows greg and tasia. Milo takes out his labtop and hacks into the airpoet*
Milo:they are flying to bolivia. It looks like we will be a few hours delayed
Tyler: its better than later.
*milo buys the ticket*

**7 hours later**

*greg leads tasia to a building* greg: baby...i have to show you somthing
Tasia: i cant wait to see it *she kissed him*
*greg opens the door. There was a group of scientists. They seem to be testing somthing*
Henry: your back amigo! *greg and henry embraced* who is your friend?
Greg: she is my wife. *he turns to her* i am a scientist working on somthing big!
Tasia: what is it?
Greg: *holds her hands* a virus. We dont have a name for it. But it will slowly shut down the human heart.
Tasia: sounds chaotic *grims*

*greg returns the smile* and you know what love? You will hold the only cure for this. The only cure of this deadly virus.
almost 9 years
*tyler types up his report at the police station.*
tyler: oh! yes sir?
percy: you did good today. but should take a break. you need it since..
tyler: don't..*he sighs* okay..I'll take a break
*tyler packs his things as he remembers..*

*it was 3 months ago. percy has told tyler what happened. he was upset over the news. so percy took him to the diablo prison to visit tasia*
*tasia appears at the window. she froze*
tasia: i were dead?
tyler: i almost did....noah and percy saved my life..crystal is locked at a maximum security prison
tyler: tasia what ha-
*she started to laugh*tasia: its over tyler.
tyler: wha...
tasia: your time will come! *grins at a shocked tyler*
percy: we should go...shes unstable
*the gaurds took a laughing tasia away*
**end flashback**

*tyler was now home. the breaking news came of the diablo escape. he watched the news intently. the phone rang*
tyler: hello??/
milo: its milo! meet me at the 1044 bunker rd. no questions. hurry!
*tyler grabbed his things and and rushed to the location*
*as soon as he arrived, he sees milo* tyler: did you see the news?
milo: yes. shes back...she might let you know.
*tyler was going to ask when his phone beeped. it was a video message. he plays it*

*it was tasia. in front of tyler's house* tasia: hello back..and i have a message for you if you come near *she presses a small button and his house explodes. tyler stood with his mouth open* tasia: my one request for you...STAY OUT! or else i will make you suffer *she smiles and ends the video*

milo: she became too unstable...i..i should've roughen up. we have to stop them...even if it means killing them.
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
Episode 3

3 months later
Reporter: breaking news. The diablo prison has a big explosion. Multiple prisoners has escaped including Tasia evens and Greg avery. Stay tune for more information
*a trucker arrives at a gas station. A girl in rag cloths aproaches him*
???: sir...can you h-help me...i need shelter
Trucker: sorry miss. I have no more room, we are in a middle of no where *he looks around * looks like this gas station is closed.
*he hears a gun * girl: what a shame *she shoots him at the head. The girl was tasia!* come out greg
*greg revials himself from his hiding place* you did well my love. Are you ready to go on vacation
Tasia: almost. Just let me make a phone call. *she walks to the payphone and makes a call * hello my sure you heard of our daring escape. j just call to say That you should stay out of my way. Or you will play one of my lovley games. Ta-ta! *she hangs up.*

*greg and tasia drive away. Tasia shoots at the gas tanks. Casuing the gas station to explode in a firery inferno. Tasia laughs* let the games begin,
almost 9 years
*tasia shocked milo by..dropping the knife*
*tasia serches for a rope. When she found it. She ties greg up. Than she breaks down crying*

*milo slowly stands* milo: tasia....
Tasia: have to arrest have to protect myself from me....
Milo: we will find a way to cure you
Tasia: please....i dont want to hurt you...this..."drug" is already making me think of terrible things. I dont know if i can fight it anymore. *she looks at milo* this might be the last time you see me normal
*milo and tasia embraced. He comforts her* i promise you that i will help you..i will save you from that insanity drug.
Tasia: i love you milo..*they let go. Tasia holds out her hand. Milo ties her hands*
*greg and tasia were arrested. Percy was informed about greg's drug.*
Percy: we have to tell tyler this information.
Milo: give it time. He had been posioned already. Its better to let him heal.
*greg smirks looking at tasia* welcome my insanity
*tasia struggles to fight her sanity. Greg kissed her, which breaks her control*

*he lets go. And tasia smiles, she starts to giggle*
Greg: how does it feel to embrace your true side
Tasia: it...feels good! Im free. Thanks to you,greg
Greg: soon we will have our revenge.
Tasia: i want to play a game with my friends..*she looks out of the window*
Greg: what about milo
Tasia: big brother will love my games *she grims widely
*end of episode 2*

In the next episode:tyler and milo look for the clue as greg and tasia became a big threat to the world. Can tyler and milo save tasia from the drug? What is the "big threat"? Find out soon on episode 3-"viro"
almost 9 years
Milo analyze the situation *
Milo: alright tasia. I'll back off
Greg: no you wont *he stabs milo at the back*
, *milo collapse on the ground. He smells blood. *
Greg: kill him tasia....let your insanity show
Tasia: i.....
Greg: do it!
*greg put his feat on milo's back*
*but tasia tackles greg instead*
*a finght happens. But greg did not fight her. He just laugh as tasia adbuse him. Tasia finally pins him to the wall*
Greg: go ahead....kill me.
*tasia hands starts to shake. And he shoced milo by..dropping the knife*i
deletedalmost 9 years
don't ignore my rp

*walks up to Tasia*
*Slics them in half*

almost 9 years
*greg gave her a bridal dress. She slowly wears it* you look beutiful my dear.
*tasia didnt say anything*
Greg: you know that drug i injected you with? *he holds her hands* its a special drug...
Tasia: you mean?
Greg: well my dear. I call it the insanity drug. It will slowly infect your brain,giving you nightmares,paranoia, or worse...kill! Just like me
Tasia: your bluffing!
Greg: am i? *he gives her a knife. She takes it and grips on it*see? Your getting comfterable with that knife
Tasia: no....
*his alarm was off. Greg rushed to the security cameras * damm it! *he turns to her*your first blood is here. And its your brother.
Tasia:i wont hurt him!
*greg laughs as he advance to her with a needle*
Tasia:no..NO! *she swipes her knife at him. But he grabs it and injects the needle. She knelts down*
Greg: your losing controll kill! Or i'll do it for you...
*tasia was fighting the drug. But greg takes her knife and cuts a little bit of his arm. He returns the knife with the front stained with blood*
*tasia turns away from the blood. But the scent came to her nose and she smells it.*
*milo scans the perimeter for a sign of greg. Greg was nowhere near tasia. He lockpicked on the door and breaks in*
Tasia :milo! *she was shaking badly*
Milo: tasia! *he runs to embrace her but she pushes him away* tasia..what are you doing?
Tasia: you need to leave...i...i dont want to hurt you
*milo noticed that she is holding a bloodstain knife*
Tasia: greg...gave me a make me hurt people....i donr know if i can fight it..please leave!
Milo: where the hell is greg? He needs to pay
Tasia: please..for god sake leave!
almost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years
*me: walks in with traditional japanese kiko and watashi blade and japanese curved sword a.k.a. katana blade*
me: domo everyone
almost 9 years

Percy: ....milo..
*he looks angry*milo:is it possible...i saw tasia today....she barely reconized me....and that mark near her ear....dammit! *he slams his fist at the table* they took my sister!
Percy : your adopted...sister....does that mean tyler is in danger?
Milo: it looks like it. Lets save tyler and catch that damm guiser
Dispatch : sir? I got a call from a tasia evens?
Percy and milo: what!?
Dispatch: *tell them everything*
Milo: tyler...i will save tasia
Percy : its dangerous.
Milo: ....i made a i will fix it! im prepare gor it. Now go! *he storns out*

*tasia watches tyler struggling to live. His coughing gets worse*
Greg: *turns off the tv* how does it feel? Losing the one you care about? All because of you?
*tasia: i'll...ill marry you..just spare him for gods sake!
Greg: *lies* i get ready suger
crystal: *laughs* it worked..tasia gave you will die..and i...
Tyler: y-you...will die
Crystal: you wont
Percy: maybe...but you will go to jail
*crystal panics and turns just in time to get knocked out. Percy handcuffs her*
Tyler: percy.....
Percy: it will be alright...noah! I found him
*noah enters with the antidote*
Percy: hurry! Tyler's heartbeat is fading!
almost 9 years
In a unknowe locatiom. Tasia looks hungry and scared*
*greg enters and gave her some food* greg: *kind* here you go tasia. Some soup
Tasia: greg.. .
*he unties her and kisses her on the cheek*now we can get married.
*tasia shivers* tasia: where...are we?
Greg: abandom house of mirrors. But later we will go to hawaii for our marrage
*tasia sees his phone near the door* suger...did you brought drinks?
Greg: no i didnt..i left it in the car. Be right back. Dont leave baby *he kissed her lips. She froze*

*greg lefts the room. Tasia quickly takes the ogone and dials 911*
911: 911 whats your emergency?
Tasia: this is tasia evens! I have been kidnaped by greg avery! Im at the abandoned house of mirror
*she didnt hear the door open*
Tasia: please hurry!*she hangs up and turns about* tasia: *gasp*.greg: *grabs the ohone and takes it away. She grabs tasia* what the hell were you doing!? *rage*
*tasia says nothing*
Greg: were you!?
Tasia: too late
*greg looks into her eyes* i trusted you tasia! You love me! you charish me! BUT YOU BROKE THE RULES!
Tasia : i dont love you greg!
*greg froze....before laughing...and laughing louder* me....huh? Its because of that DAMM TylER! ISNT IT? HAHA..IM GOING TO MURDER HIM! SKIM HIS SKIN UP AS TORTURE...THAN GIVE HIM ENLESS SUFFERING....
TASIA: Greg.....i...
Greg: SHUT UP! *he jabs a needle at tasia ,she fell* mayrry me tasia...marryvme..please
Tasia: i will never..mary you..
Greg: than tyler dies! *he calls crystal to make the move
almost 9 years
*tyler arrived at her house. he knocks on her door. It open, tasia looking drained*
Tasia: you came! Come in *she limps in the house while tyler enters*
Tyler: tasia...what happened?
Tasia: i was brewing somthing special for you..when i was knocked out. I tought i was dead..or worse.
Tyler:were you hurt?
Tasia: only at my arm
*tyler checks the wound* its not bad..but my god you are scared
Tasia: will you look around the house with me..j-just in case
*tyler holds her hand* yes i will
*this look around the house and notice no intruders.

Tasia: thank goodness *she takes a cup of tea* this is what i made for you. Will you try it?
*tyler takes a sip. It tasted warm and smooth. He keeps drinking when he droped the cup and collasped. He sees tasia carry him. He didnt know that there was a birthmark on her right ear....and why is she smirking, the horror hit him*
???: oh my dear tyler....i knew you were naive...
Tyler: tasia.... why? Unless....your the disguiser
???: bingo *she ties him up* and it time to torture my sister when she sees this.
Tyler: sister? But she died at a-
Crystal: car crash? No...i faked it...i was alive the whole time *she sets up her camra* and you know what,tyler? Your going to make her suffer
*tyler coughs*
Crystal: sweet little tasia will slowly watch her boyfriend die in a slow..and painful death..poison. and greg is making her watch your death from another location!
almost 9 years
Tyler: tasia, please calm down
*milo looks at him*
Tasia: please come!
*tyler stands*
Percy: what happen?
Tyler: tasia was attack, shes really frighten. May i...?
Percy: of careful and...i hope shes okay
Tyler: me too. *he left*
Percy: hmm..what if theres a mark on the guiser?
*milo snaps out of staring* huh?
Percy: i need to see the lst pictures of the victems before they died
Milo: its a bit impossible. Theres only two, one of the 1st victem, and one on vera.

*milo shows them the pictures. A few minutes later, he noticed something! * percy: the birthmark. Theres a birthmark near the right ear

*Percy beeper went off* thats noah *he picks up and puts it on speaker*
Noah: i found somthing interesting. Vera didnt die of head trama, she died of cynide poisen. She was tied up.
Milo: is there a birthmark on her right ear?
Noah: let me there isnt
Milo: call the posion controll imediatly...i know who the disguiser is..*he grips his hands* or at least...who,she is guising as!
almost 9 years
*the group arrives at a private room in the police station*
*tyler and percy looks at milo trough a spectator room*
Tyler: think we can trust him?
Percy: lets see what he has to say? Tyler...did tasia mentions any familly relations
Tyler: lets see, she mention her twin sister,crystal. But she died at a car wreck...along with her parents....she also mention a adopted brother.
Percy: hmm....ok. lets intereogate him
Tyler: okay. Can i be bad cop?
Percy: maybe next time. Milo isnt our suspect.

*they enter the interrogation room*
Percy: so....milo right?
Milo: yes. That is correct.
Percy: what can you tell us about the disguiser.
Milo: the disguiser is very infamous, he is like jack the ripper in a way. Since he hasnt been identified. I can tell you that he has psychological probloms, with no empathy for other.
Tyler: does he have a specific target?
Milo: they seem to be young womens mostly or a young man....but hes not working alone
*he shows a picture of a boy sith blonde hair*
Milo: meet greg avery, hes convicted of blackmailling and trasspasing. He is mostly found with the disguised victem. If we get to him first. We can find the disguiser.
*tyler's phone rang. He picks up*
Tasia: tyler! Someone tried to attack me! Come scared..
almost 9 years
*next day*

Percy: are you ready tyler?
Tyler: yes sir!
Tyler and percy walks to the crime scene. *
Percy: got anything noah?
Noah: victem is vera smith..died from head trama...
*tyler looks at vera* tyler: she dosnt look fresh
*percy gave him a odd look
Tyler: i mean she looks very gray. When...did she died
Noah: you know, thats the thing. She died more than two weeks ago
???: thats imposible
*they turn around. A women was watching*
Noah: this is sally anderson. Her neighbor.
Sally: i saw her yesturday with a man. She was healthy. I swear. She may have acted odd. But i saw her yesterday
???: mrs sally...that was not the real vera.

*a men wearing a cloak enters*
Sally: what do you mean?
???: that was the work of the disguiser
Percy: damm!
Tyler: the disguiser?

Percy: the disguiser is a serial killer who disguised as their victem befor killing them. This is his 3rd victem
???: i know some information on the killer.
Tyler : who are you?
Milo: my name is milo, milo evens
Percy: evens....are you related to tasia?
*milo shifted and changes the subject* take me to a disclosed location so i may tell you.
almost 9 years
What do you guys think will happen?
almost 9 years
"The angel" barges in. The attacker escapes*

Angel: percy! *she carries him* thank god i arrived in time. *she helps him outside and calls 911*

*30 minutes later she arrived home*
Angel:thank you doctor. I'll see him tomorrow *she hangs up. Gun cocking was heard*
Stalker: hello sugar...
Angel: you! I told you to leave me alone *he grabs her*
Stalker: i can never leave sweet angel...
Angel: i have a-
Stalker: not anymore! *he knocks her out*
*he calls the disguiser* i got my precious sweeheart. Make your move.
almost 9 years
Percy: tyler? As in tyler bently?
Tyler: yes?
Percy: ah! You must he the rookie!
Tyler: yes i am. Is it true that im working with you?
Percy: yes it is. You will meet me tomorrow.
Donna: hun. I have to go. My dad needs me
*they kissed*
Percy: i'll see you tomorrow *donna nods and walks out* i have to go too. I have some work to do.
Tasia: alright percy. Sweet dreams

*percy left. Tasia and tyler didnt noticed that a men was watching them. *
???: tasia.....*worried*

2:30 A.M

*percy smells smoke in the room. He wakes up. He sees light outside of the room. He jumps out and attempts to break trough the window. But he heard footsteps and sharpness of pain at his tigh. He fell, seeing a masked men. Pointing a knife. His vision blurred as the door broke open. With the injury and the heavy smoke He passed out*

Theplox as percy
Prdove as tasia
PhoenixWrightDA as tyler
Dont as donna
Mitsurureigii as ???