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the official sandbox strategy guide

almost 9 years

please read below if you are confused and in need of guidance.

Villager -- Suicide n1.

Nilla -- Suicide d1.

Doctor -- Choose "no one" until you're certain someone is mafia, then suicide.

Nurse -- Find and roleblock the doctor. If there is no doctor, suicide.

Surgeon -- Attempt to find and bodyguard a hitman. If the hitman successfully kills a granny under your protection, you've won the game. Suicide.

Bodyguard -- Look at surgeon. Know you're not surgeon. Suicide.

Cop -- Claim d1 with guilty on the person you least like, then claim sanity d2 with an according inno/guilty report on your second least favorite person. Continue as long as possible.

Insane Cop -- You will never be insane cop as all cops appear as cop. Suicide.

Confused Cop -- You're the most pointless role since naive cop. Suicide.

Paranoid Cop -- Claim alien report on the person you least like. When they're lynched, suicide.

Naive Cop -- Suicide.

Lazy Cop -- Assume you were roleblocked and that it will happen again, then suicide because you'll never get to use your cop ability.

Watcher -- Watch yourself every night and report on how popular you are the following day. If you receive a vest, claim bulletproof and say you were hit. Fabricate a penguin report to replace your watcher report.

Tracker -- Track the person with the shortest username. If they visit a dead person, say they didn't. If they didn't, say they did.

Detective -- Select "no one" then make up detective reports. If you're lynched, watch from the graveyard as town believes your false reports.

Snoop -- When you find someone with a gun or vest, whisper them saying you gave it to them and instruct them who to shoot or throw their vest at.

Journalist -- Claim that any reports you receive are your own and that you are those roles, especially if they're mafia reports.

Mortician -- F*k dead bodies. Suicide. F*k yourself.

Pathologist -- Seduce dead bodies. Suicide. F**k yourself.

Vigilante -- Shoot n1, then nk following nights. If you hit mafia n1, kill again until you hit town. You can't stop until your reckless vigilantism takes the life of an innocent civilian and drives you to depression and suicide. Suicide.

Sheriff -- Hipfire immediately, then say it was illusionist. If you hit mafia, laugh at the illusionist and call them stupid.

Deputy -- Lurk until a sheriff shoots, then shoot the sheriff. If there is no sheriff, shoot the next clearest role. If you hit town, call the shooter an idiot. If you hit mafia, suicide so everyone knows what a great shot you are.

Drunk -- Drunk the user with the least attractive username. Wake up feeling satisfied, lead town to victory.

Sleepwalker -- Go to sleep, the game will play itself.

Civilian -- Do everything within your power to die.

Miller -- Find mafia, and agree with them. Talk like them. Ask them if you can join their club. If they say no, suicide.

Suspect -- You're basically a fake miller, which is twice as fake as a real miller. Suicide.

Leader -- Lead. Get your followers to repeat everything you say and salute on command. Form a tear at the edge of your eye as a smile hides beneath your cold, emotionless lips. You're a leader.

Bulletproof -- Claim turncoat immediately. When hit, claim traitor. If mafia claims to you, stab them in the back. You're a hero.

Bleeder -- Claim werewolf and say that you ate correctly and know everyone's roles. Get lynched. Cackle your last remaining night as the village sleeps in fear.

Bomb -- Claim bomb immediately. Act like that makes you clear, and antagonize those who do not claim to you, which will be everyone.

Granny -- Urge town to visit you and urge mafia not to. Know that you're a horrible person.

Hunter -- Claim virgin, then before shooting inform everyone that they were hoodwinked. Ask for claims. Shoot the most important-sounding one.

Town Crier -- Host trivia. Decide what answers are true, whether or not they are, in order to justify a lynch on someone you dislike.

Invisible Man -- Make sure you have an alt in the game, then get mafia to kill you. Say "looks like nobody died" the following day on your alt. If you do not have an alt in the game, suicide.

Governor -- Overturn a confirmed mafia lynch on a confirmed clear. The next day, call gov a moron.

Telepath -- Whisper people passages from 50 Shades of Grey.

Agent -- Say that there is a spy. If there is cult, get culted. If there is werewolf, get eaten. If there are zombies, suicide.

Celebrity -- Tell everyone to claim to you. Tab out for 5 minutes. Return. Announce that through careful evaluation you believe some completely random person is mafia.

Loudmouth -- If you are visited and not dead, claim and say that a bullet hit your vest. Alternatively, say you were poisoned.

Mason -- Mason your friends and leave your enemies' names in your will.

Templar -- If you are the only templar, suicide. If there is another templar, tell them to enjoy being alone, suicide. If the other templar tells you to enjoy being alone and then suicides, enjoy being alone in memory of your comrade.

Shrink -- Shrink yourself. Explore untold lands before returning to normal size at dawn.

Samurai -- Claim werewolf, say there are masons, say you'll out roles if you're masoned. Wait.

Jailer -- Always nl. Always jailkill.

Chef -- Chef two strangers. Leave two other names in your will. If you are not killed and one of the strangers claims to have been cheffed with mafia, say a 5th random name. Repeat this process indefinitely.

Turncoat -- Claim immediately. Joint with mafia. Win easily. Brag.

Enchantress -- Give someone your crystal. Whisper that you gave it to them. Propose to them. If they accept, suicide. If they decline, swear at them then suicide.

Priest -- If visited by a detective, say that you were visited by a stalker. If visited by a gunsmith, say that you were visited by a fabricator. If visited by a baker, say that you were visited by a fabricator. If visited by a blacksmith, say that you were visited by a fabricator.

Trapper -- Trap people. Watch them die. Laugh.

Baker -- Give all bread to a single person. Claim virgin.

Ghoul -- Ghoul the person most likely to kill you. If you kill them and they turn out to be mafia, laugh maniacally, claim ghoul, brag, and suicide.

Party Host -- Host a party. Ask who hosted the party. Demand to know who hosted the party. Say that whoever hosted the party and isn't claiming doesn't know how to play mafia. Suicide in frustration.

Penguin -- Visit someone. When they out your report, say that you didn't visit them and suicide.

Judge -- Wait until lylo. If there is a tree, kill mafia. If there is not a tree, save mafia. You have the gabble, you call the shots.

Gallis -- Always vote yourself.

Tree -- Choose to tree then leave the game without suiciding.

Virgin -- Claim virgin, get lynched d1, feel fulfilled, find a new game.

Blacksmith -- Vest a single person until they're crushed under the sheer mass, then proceed to your next victim.

Oracle -- If there is a celebrity, orc the celebrity. If there is a tree, orc the tree. Claim virgin.

Dreamer -- When you get a dream, decide which name you think is mafia and replace the other two, then out the report.

Angel -- Use your protection. Lead lynch on your target. Join a new game after dying and pray you get a better role.

Lightkeeper -- Claim virgin. Before being lynched, shout "LIGHTS OUT" and hammer.

Keymaker -- Give yourself a key. Use the key. Repeat.

Gunsmith -- Gun someone. Claim that you received a gun. Dare the other person to shoot first.

Mimic -- Mimic someone you dislike. Leave the name of someone else you dislike in your will. If you turn blue, clear the person you mimicked. If you steal a role, say that you turned blue on the person you mimicked. If you become amn, amn mafia.

Santa -- Give everybody bread. Claim baker.

Caroler -- Carol visiting roles. Ask them for your carol. If they do not have it, call them mafia and lynch them.

Siren -- Ask who, out of the kindness of their hearts, would kindly visit you. Murder them. Twice. Note: Sandbox is heartless, therefor this role is impossible to play. Suicide.

Monk -- Claim doctor. Do the doctor's job.

Cultist -- Cult the following roles in order of importance: samurai, granny, tree, celebrity.

Cthulhu -- Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

Zombie -- Ask who would like to be bitten. Autowin. P*ss on those who thought they could stop you.

Fool -- Claim virgin.

Lover -- Love the person most likely to take this game seriously. Claim virgin d1.

Lyncher -- Win town's trust by finding and lynching 2/3 mafia. If mafia kills your target, smash your computer monitor. If mafia does not kill your target, smile, then suicide.

Killer -- Kill. Claim vig. Repeat.

Clockmaker -- Kill one mafia and two town. It's pretty f**king simple.

Survivor -- Claim virgin.

Warlock -- Choose "no one." Suggest a rl.

Mistletoe -- Pick the same person for both meetings. Win.

Prophet -- Choose day 1. Suicide and break the game. Know in the back of your mind that you won.

Alien -- Probe the same person repeatedly. If there's a snoop and they discover several probes in your target's anus, you win. Otherwise, dispose of your target's body through lynching. Remember, alien rules differ from earthling rules.

Werewolf -- Eat n1. If you pick correctly, openly admit that you're werewolf and invincible. Win the game. If you pick incorrectly, claim that you were suited.

Amnesiac -- Think to yourself, "What was that strategy for amnesiac again? Damn, if only I could remember it." Suicide.

Anarchist -- Bomb yourself. Hold the bomb. Caress the bomb. Earn its trust. Make it defuse itself out of love. Reveal your love openly to the town. Get lynched.

Creepy girl -- Doll host, knowing that host always dies n1. Win.

Traitor -- You're technically aligned with the mafia, so betray them and side with the village.

Admirer -- Whisper everyone saying that you really admire them and giggle. There's probably not a killer in this game.

Old Maid -- While cleaning someone's home, cut their face off with a kitchen knife and then do the same to yours. Wear their face and sew yours onto them. You are now them, and they are now you.

Autocrat -- Inform the village that your policies are within their best interest. If you can convince them that this lie is true, you win. If you cannot, you do not.

Politician -- You are scum. Suicide.

Silencer -- Silence the most talkative person in the game. Tease them about it all game.

Sniper -- Shoot the first person to whisper to you.

Illusionist -- Illu the kill so that everyone will know it was illusionist when you shoot your gun. Shoot your partner.

Saboteur -- Sabotage the mafia by nking and outing your partners.

Yakuza -- Yak someone who is better at this game than you are. Watch them win. Convince yourself that it was your victory.

Consigliere -- Never convert.

Godfather -- Find mimic. Get mimicked. Out your partners. Follow blue strategy.

Framer -- There's a lot of sh**ty pixel art out there in need of a frame. Decline all of it. Bring back the old fool icon. Down with lucid.

Hooker -- Get drunk. Sleep with sleazebags. S*ually transmit your intoxication. Repeat this on the same poor f*k.

Disguiser -- Guise every night. Insult all of your current target's friends. Start heated fights with them completely unrelated to mafia.

Actress -- Steal a pair of everyone's clothes. Construct a single outfit out of them. Become a famous so-called artist and musician. Leave this sh**ty website now that you're famous and no longer a plebeian. Shave your head. Hear your music gradually degrade as you become less willing to pay for good writers to carry the talent. Hit rock bottom. Return. Finish the game.

Tailor -- Tailor every kill as tailor. Giggle.

Informant -- Pick up your big red powerpuff girl telly. Eavesdrop on the mayor.

Strongman -- Waste your strongkill n1. If there is a tree, shout "F**K," suicide. If there is not a tree, suicide.

Janitor -- Jan anyone besides the kill. This will legitimately block dreamers and santa. You're welcome. Suicide.

Interrogator -- Demand your victim to provide nudes, threatening to kill them if they refuse. If they fail to provide, kill them. If they provide, kill them.

Whisperer -- Anonymously flirt with each person in the game. This does not exclude your partners.

Spy -- Claim agent, then out every role.

Lawyer -- You're the lowest form of scum. Suicide.

Forger -- Put "forger here" as everyone's will.

Stalker -- Stalking is illegal. Turn yourself in to the proper authorities.

Enforcer -- Think that because you have a cool title you must do something pretty cool. Think again. Suicide.

Quack -- You know quack can't even save yakuza anymore? I know, right? Really, lucid? Suicide.

Poisoner -- Poison the same person every night until they die. You have to be sure. Move on to your next victim.

Driver -- Ask to be drunked, for reasons.

Toreader -- In order of importance, find these roles and make them visit you: hitman, killer, clockmaker, vig. If one of your partners claims poisoner, do that one instead.

Gramps -- Find the granny. Tell her you're ready to settle your differences. Convince your partners to visit her with you.

Interceptor -- Go long.

Fiddler -- Fiddle priest.

Ventriloquist -- Vent your partners and claim their respective roles.

Voodoo -- Voodoo the kill with "vest"

Thief -- Steal a gun. Shoot your partners. Lead town to victory.

Paralyzer -- Paralyze the votes immediately after someone suicides and say the game is broken. Wait until everyone else suicides. Suicide because the game is actually broken.

Fabricator -- Fab your partners. If there's a driver, fab yourself too. Have all of mafia shoot their fab guns at the same time.

Ninja -- Find loudmouth. Kill loudmouth. Get lynched because you woke up the loudmouth.

Hitman -- Kill granny. Seriously, it works. Hitman is op.

Arsonist -- Select no one. Light your match d1. Attempt to win the game.

Terrorist -- Deliver a bomb to one of your partners.

Mastermind -- Quietly listen as the mafia claims their roles. Claim agent and out their roles. Suicide.

i use this guide
19 signed
this guide is basically how i play mafia
over 8 years

HahnAstral says

i've been using this strategy for days now, thanks for adding new roles, could you update the pastebin?

no sorry i dont want to
over 8 years
thanks to this comprehensive strategy guide ill finally be able to go for gold . thanks foxie
deletedover 8 years
i've been using this strategy for days now, thanks for adding new roles, could you update the pastebin?
over 8 years
whenever i forget to play mafia i just read this
almost 9 years
updated to include some roles and new thread because it's bigger than i can edit