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about 9 years


over 8 years

TedTonate says


Everyone above this line isn't a Pro.
Everyone within this line is a Great Pro.
Everyone below this line isn't a Pro.


i am a goddamn pro and I want you to recognize this.
over 8 years
Public lynching is black appropriation and epic mafia needs to stick to its white culture.
over 8 years
Free Palestine.
over 8 years

Everyone above this line isn't a Pro.
Everyone within this line is a Great Pro.
Everyone below this line isn't a Pro.

over 8 years
Every single human on this site is an idiot.
deletedover 8 years
zhuorb you crossed a line
deletedover 8 years
it's too cold down south
over 8 years
It's too hot outside
deletedover 8 years
its too cold outside
over 8 years
Making them illegal doesn't seem to stop that from happening.
deletedover 8 years

taurarius says

Legalizing drugs is a way to deny drug cartels an income basis.

But dangerous drugs like heroin literally ruin families and people's lives and have no use even in moderation
over 8 years
Legalizing drugs is a way to deny drug cartels an income basis.
deletedover 8 years
I think the southern border is more dangerous than people think, and while a wall may not be the answer drug cartels are an extremely dangerous force on the level of terrorism
over 8 years
Christopherzilla is an inside job.
over 8 years
i think hostkilling being seen as a bad thing is stupid (unless its a big game) but i still sui most times someone hostkills unless i like my role
deletedover 8 years
This thread is no longer an argument thread just a bad opinion thread
over 8 years
I disagree over some of the prices at whole foods! How dare this coffee drink be 3 dollars! It's just coffee and almond milk and sweetener!!!! IT COST YOU 10 CENTS TO MAKE
deletedover 8 years

Herredy says

I can verify Dee's nuts are body organs

deez* I'm on mobile
deletedover 8 years
I can verify Dee's nuts are body organs
deletedover 8 years
Mental disorders should not be treated, it's not our buisiness to treat the brain, which isn't even a body organ
over 8 years

Christopherzilla says

I don't see anything wrong with claiming virgin as fool.

there isn't, people just get mad because they spent like 2 minutes at most waiting for a game to fill only to be over d1 like that
over 8 years
I hate zucchini
over 8 years
what is it about cats that makes them think theyre so much goddamn better than we are??
over 8 years
I don't see anything wrong with claiming virgin as fool.
over 8 years
I think that any Presidential candidate that thinks we should build a wall on our southern border is not fit to be the President and would be an embarrassment if they were to become one.