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Nostalgia Thread

over 8 years
over 8 years
gtf dude lol
deletedover 8 years
haha diffusion is an old user guys. why is shenanigans even laughing at that old pastebin? what a **kid**
over 8 years
Remember when Matthelders hadn't joined the site yet, fun times
deletedover 8 years
Hi sachy
deletedover 8 years
Another one of my favorite EM memories: Sachy and Riotkiller let everyone who wins a trophy in a round cheat out of sheer incompetence and laziness, giving me a fourth place while prestigious non-cheating winners Shini and Mindora get away scott free for six months
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
that was a fun afternoon
deletedover 8 years
RIP index
over 8 years
you now remember petricigy was a mod
deletedover 8 years
Emp vs Bass
over 8 years


this was circa 2011. read the bin, it's hilarious reposting bc lazy

Read it the first time you posted the link and it wasn't funny. You posted it again and it's still not funny, kid.
deletedover 8 years
oh wow i remember that lol
deletedover 8 years
My favorite mafia memory is when lucid had a beer with pothead school teacher and avid Wiz Khalifa fan MastaKnark, who claimed to be able to roll blunts bigger than King Kong's fingers, before lucid gave a suave but subtle head nod to indicate that Knarf was a mod now.

Wait, one of these things is not like the others...
over 8 years
back before we had riotkiller shutting down the site scares, we had lucidrains himself dunking Maxwell and then briefly pulling the plug on epicmafia as the ultimate mic drop.
over 8 years
i remember when we all met up at the third annual MafiaCon and bronto got so drunk he threw up. that was a hoot
over 8 years
this was circa 2011. read the bin, it's hilarious reposting bc lazy
over 8 years

Sanctify says


lucidrains: Your a joke. Ur life is so pathetic that it revolves around a 10000 line code game that I made in my spare time to improve me.

lucidrains: U will never hear from me again. This conversation could have.turned out differently. U have chosen to lash out with anger.

lucidrains: U r not worth my time or thoughts in this world

Is this real? And who did he say it to lmao

He was saying it to Maxwell.
deletedover 8 years

Sims says

my favorite epicmafia moment was when awice bought the site for 30k, sold it to Google for twice that, and used the money to buy a boat

When you've got a boat built for a Bond villain sometimes you have to play the part
over 8 years
Maybe that was how lucid and bear's final conversation went o.o
over 8 years
my favorite epicmafia moment was when awice bought the site for 30k, sold it to Google for twice that, and used the money to buy a boat
over 8 years
Mist posted it and they've been on the site for like a year which Is why I'm surprised
deletedover 8 years
It has to be, lucid spelled you're wrong.
over 8 years

Sanctify says


lucidrains: Your a joke. Ur life is so pathetic that it revolves around a 10000 line code game that I made in my spare time to improve me.

lucidrains: U will never hear from me again. This conversation could have.turned out differently. U have chosen to lash out with anger.

lucidrains: U r not worth my time or thoughts in this world

Is this real? And who did he say it to lmao

Lucid would say some serious s**t back in the day. i think this is real
over 8 years


lucidrains: Your a joke. Ur life is so pathetic that it revolves around a 10000 line code game that I made in my spare time to improve me.

lucidrains: U will never hear from me again. This conversation could have.turned out differently. U have chosen to lash out with anger.

lucidrains: U r not worth my time or thoughts in this world

Is this real? And who did he say it to lmao
deletedover 8 years
RIP. My harddrive is not working with better ones. RIP