So, a glitch in round 310 on my gold trophy ... I understood, but now another "glitch" where I don't get my silver trophy (on my alt) is too much of a coincidence. I've emailed and pmd you. Maybe this will get your attention. What's going on? Will this actually be fixed this time or am I going to keep getting screwed by these "glitches?"
who is boatman btw is he someone people know who he is or is he a person who people don't know cause i wanna know heseems like a cool man whjo is also a boat or maybe a man who owns a boat boatman do you want to ebe friends
NBT, I nor anyone else said I was nicer then you. That doesn't even matter. I matter specifically said "I'm nicer than I used to be." A while back someone and I had a wonderful little chat where I decided I was going to turn over a new leaf, and be nicer and less of a brat. I stuck to it. Just let it go NBTNBT. Just. Let. It. Go.