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Ventriloquist Abuse

about 9 years

Is it against the rules to use Ventriloquist to say hateful slurs and racist remarks? I've seen it in many games and I think it is just disgusting.

deletedabout 9 years
yeah i think the goal of this thread has been thoroughly satisfied

Moocow says

Yeah, it's against the rules.

deletedabout 9 years

lilin says

U.S.A. gender populations

total pop: 310,383,948

male: 153,139,563

female: 157,244,385

yes, males are minority.

Really what it all boils down to is the feminist position that women are inferior and men are superior.

While this is the exact opposite of what they claim to believe, too many feminist positions boil down to this. "If I' m drunk and a man's drunk, he needs to be of a stronger constitution, higher judgement, and stronger resolve than me, or he' s a rapist." "If a man and I both consent to sex and I get pregnant, he is more capable than I am so he needs to pay fer whatever choices I make regarding the fetus / baby"

Or, in this case, "I want to live in a world where I can wear whatever I want and go wherever I want and nothing bad will ever happen to me. Men, make it happen for me."

Because rather than being responsible fer being careful where they go and who they associate with, or taking measures to assure their ability to defend themselves, or simply acknowledging that yes criminals gonna crime, they instead elect to throw a tantrum and just demand men create the world they want to live in since they admit they can' t do it themselves.
about 9 years
You can certainly argue that racism against whites, men, etc can't exist, however, in the context of's anti-hate speech rule, it should apply to any and all targeted slander against any group. Just because you can't be textbook racist against whites or sexist against men doesn't mean that on the Internet, probably one of the biggest places of free speech for any and all groups, talking crap to someone about any innate trait someone is born with.

Tl;dr hate speech rules need to be all or nothing, there is no middle group that is fair

Inb4 "muh white feelings"
deletedabout 9 years
Thank you epicmafia™ for teaching me that straight white men are literally the devil.
Purge them all.
deletedabout 9 years
entitled americants smh
deletedabout 9 years
U.S.A. gender populations

total pop: 310,383,948

male: 153,139,563

female: 157,244,385

yes, males are minority.
about 9 years
To argue that a particular system of domination is not 'real' for a particular group is to deny that there are interlocking systems of domination acting within each and every here&now.

When we compartmentalize domination, we forget that sexism here reinforces homophobia there, classism here reinforces colonialism there, etc.

My here&now should not be exempt from a critical interrogation simply because someone else's partial category places me in a dominant position.
about 9 years

BabaCakes says

so yeah if you think racism against white people is real then you are truly a fool and def a racist.

god bless
about 9 years

BabaCakes says

“In the United States at present, only whites can be racists, since whites
dominate and control the institutions that create and enforce American cultural

I like how Americans think that US = Rest of the World :^)
about 9 years

flame war imminent
deletedabout 9 years
10 duck sized horses
about 9 years

BabaCakes says

so yeah if you think racism against white people is real then you are truly a fool and def a racist.

You're an idiot.
about 9 years

ballsy says

BabaCakes says

“In the United States at present, only whites can be racists, since whites
dominate and control the institutions that create and enforce American cultural
norms and values . . . blacks and other Third World peoples do not have
access to the power to enforce any prejudices they may have, so they cannot,
by definition, be racists.”
--from EDUCATION & RACISM, National Education Association. 1973

people in 1973 are smarter and more socially aware than epicmafia players

Link to the article. I tried googling for it and couldn't find anything. Either way, it was 42 years ago. Things change.

you cant be racist to white people. you cant be sexist to men. you cant be cisphobic (its not a thing). you cant be the equivalent of homophobic to straight people.

marginalized peoples dont have the power to significantly discriminate towards people who are not marginalized. seriously. marginalized people dont hate slurs because they're gross but because they are ways privileged people exert their power over us.

so yeah if you think racism against white people is real then you are truly a fool and def a racist.
about 9 years
Yep, it's against the rules. Just file a report.
deletedabout 9 years

BabaCakes says

“In the United States at present, only whites can be racists, since whites
dominate and control the institutions that create and enforce American cultural
norms and values . . . blacks and other Third World peoples do not have
access to the power to enforce any prejudices they may have, so they cannot,
by definition, be racists.”
--from EDUCATION & RACISM, National Education Association. 1973

people in 1973 are smarter and more socially aware than epicmafia players

Link to the article. I tried googling for it and couldn't find anything. Either way, it was 42 years ago. Things change.
about 9 years
“In the United States at present, only whites can be racists, since whites
dominate and control the institutions that create and enforce American cultural
norms and values . . . blacks and other Third World peoples do not have
access to the power to enforce any prejudices they may have, so they cannot,
by definition, be racists.”
--from EDUCATION & RACISM, National Education Association. 1973

people in 1973 are smarter and more socially aware than epicmafia players
about 9 years
My favorite thing to do as vent is make someone claim virgin. They get lynched and everyone thinks that person is a bad GT'er and they get banned from all games for the rest of the day.
about 9 years
Apologies theplok, we were merely trying to better understand your anger and oppression. Please take this money from my wallet, the deed to house, my family, my job and my rights as reparations for my unintentional racist outburst. I'll return to tumblr and attending #blacklivesmatter rallies to further educate myself.
deletedabout 9 years
im sorry, theplok

i will now tend to my money farm
about 9 years
can you guys stop talking about being offended, you're white so you have no clue what being offended even is
about 9 years
I'm glad our privilege protects us from being offended, my white trash gringo brother
deletedabout 9 years
Although my body is of a white person, spiritually I am a blue marble from a chinese checkers set. Being called a cracker or a honky is not only offensive, it implies I am white. When in the real world, I am blue.
deletedabout 9 years
good thing im white or id be really offended
about 9 years
thank you for correcting me, fellow cracker honkie lilin*

*slurs sanctioned and supported by site administrator Sims
deletedabout 9 years
make that male, cis, and white