deleted over 9 years
Steve owes me $40 and a pic of him crushing a genny heavy
Lashka says People are arguing about mafia skill in 2015. Would you rather us talk about reporting the site to Google AdSense or?
did anyone ask me actual questions bc i honestly didn't read 10 pages of nonsense
bell says roadman says Gio says wtf anna avocadoes are disgusting They're not as bad as mangoes. those are the 2 best fruit ??? I think you missed the joke, dear.
deleted over 9 years
Kill Sonrio
theyre both on the same level
deleted over 9 years
roadman says Gio says wtf anna avocadoes are disgusting They're not as bad as mangoes. those are the 2 best fruit ???
i like avocadoes and guacamole
Gio says wtf anna avocadoes are disgusting They're not as bad as mangoes.
man im starving. guac sounds amazing.
wtf anna avocadoes are disgusting
deleted over 9 years
Gio says roadman says annajane says uh what happened to my thread.. It got jizzed on. like your mom go to sunday school
deleted over 9 years
People are arguing about mafia skill in 2015.
I'm almost sad for hijacking this thread. Almost.
All I heard was "I played one game of mafia with you where I tunneled town so hard that it threw everyone's reads off but you're bad!"
ArieI says annajane what's your favorite food AVOCADOS
Okay well that was anticlimatic.
Shamzy says Black girls are fiesty enough already. With support from morons, it becomes hella messy. So before I get dragged into a cat fight I'll just leave now and allow you to reflect on the mic I just dropped. Shamzy's mum found him up at 2 o'clock in the morning so he's got to go to bed.
roadman says annajane says uh what happened to my thread.. It got jizzed on. like your mom
annajane says uh what happened to my thread.. It got jizzed on.
deleted over 9 years
Shamzy happened
annajane what's your favorite food